Lo sguardo implicito della città neoliberale: mappature dal basso per decolonizzare lo spazio urbano – EVENTO ANNULLATO


Lo sguardo implicito della città neoliberale: mappature dal basso per decolonizzare lo spazio urbano

The implicit gaze of the neo-liberal city: mapping from the grassroots to decolonise urban space


The event will be: In modalità mista (Online E in presenza)

Short presentation of the event: L’evento consisterà in una presentazione del lavoro del collettivo Spazi di Contaminazione, attraverso l’analisi di un caso di studio. Seguirà poi una discussione con ospiti provenienti sia dall’interno che dall’esterno del dipartimento, per aprire un dialogo più completo sulle tematiche trattate. È possibile anche l’integrazione di un cappello introduttivo/divulgativo per permettere una maggiore fruibilità delle tematiche ai partecipanti.

The aim of this paper is to present and discuss the reflections, emerged within the geographical collective “Spazi di contaminazione”, regarding the re-appropriation of the cartographic instrument as a counter-hegemonic practice. In fact, by comparing Italian and foreign experiences, inside and outside the collective, emerged the need to rediscover a different, counter-hegemonic, use, that could overturn the non-neutrality of cartography on the side of movements, individual realities or networks of citizens, in order to advance particular demands or bring out certain ‘voices’ otherwise silenced by institutional cartography. Although always partial, such a use would allow this partiality to become an element of strength, to show and draw different imaginaries and “hack” the gaze on the city of those who look these instruments. In order to bring out this perspective, will be shown the case study of the Bolognina district. This district of the city of Bologna has been particularly at the centre of both political and academic debate, as an indicator of the changes and restructuring of urban space implemented in recent years to support certain economic and political processes. In particular, we want to focus this analysis on the crossing of the neighbourhood and on how its perception is different according to the bodies that cross it, focusing on the use of cameras, on lighting and on the conflictual experiences emerged in the different areas of Bolognina.

Objectives: Aprire una discussione, accademica e non, sulle tematiche trattate. Divulgare i risultati di ricerche condotte dagli studenti, sia nel corso delle lezioni sia al di fuori dell’Università.

Event language: Italiano

Country: Italia

City: Bologna

Link (for online events): [it will be displayed here as soon as possibile]

Reference person: Matteo Bronzi

Role or Function: studente, parte del collettivo

Reference Organization (if any):

Those who organize are: Studenti

Expected duration: circa 1 ora

Event program: [to be be displayed here as soon as possibile]

