Štima li nam klima?
Hey, is our climate okay?
The event will be: “Uživo” uz prisustvo sudionika (ukoliko to dopuste epidemiološke mjere, u suprotnom neće se održati)
Short presentation of the event: U Osnovnoj školi Sračinec provodi se projekt pod nazivom “Štima li nam klima?”. Učenici će na Noći geografije predstaviti svoje radove tijekom projekta. Organizirat će se kratko predavanje o klimatskim promjenama. Napravit ćemo pokus s topljenjem ledenjaka. Natjecat će se u kvizu “Spasi pingvina!” i igrat će društvenu igru vezanu za klimatske promjene.
In Sračinec Primary School there is a project called “Hey, is our climate ok?”. Students will present their work during the project at the GeoNight 2022. A short lecture on climate changes will be organized. We will make an experiment wiht melting glaciers. Students will compete in the quiz “Save the Penguin”. Also, students will play a board game related to climate changes.
Objectives: 1. Understanding the causes and consequences of climate change.
2. Understanding the importance of sustainable development in the fight against climate change.
Event language: hrvatski jezik
Country: Croatia / Hrvatska
City: Sračinec
Link (for online events): [it will be displayed here as soon as possibile]
Reference person: Janja Žnidarić, Marko Židov
Role or Function: učitelji geografije
Reference Organization (if any):
Those who organize are: učitelji / članovi akademske zajednice
Expected duration: oko 2 sata
Event program: predavanje o klimatskim promjenama, pokus “na Anatarktici”, društvena igra “Spasi pingvina”, kviz “Štima li nam klima?”