GeoGuardians / GeoČuvari


GeoGuardians / GeoČuvari

GeoGuardians / GeoČuvari


The event will be: “Live” in presence (if allowed by the covid rules, otherwise it will be online)

Short presentation of the event: Geografija, kao društvena i fizička znanosti, igra ključnu ulogu u razumijevanju utjecaja čovjeka na okoliš. Glavni cilj održivog razvoja je sačuvati prirodna bogatstva i okoliš za buduće naraštaje. Rješavanjem uzbudljivog i obrazovnog Escape room kviza, učenici će usvojiti kroz geografska znanja glavne ishode održivog razvoja na primjerima iz Hrvatske. Obnovljivi izvori energije, gospodarstvo, klimatske promjene i prirodna baština samo su neke od tema koji će biti obrađene tijekom ove radionice.

Geography, as both physical and human science, plays a key role in understading how human culture interacts with natural environment. The main goal of sustainable development is using natural resources for the needs of mankind today, in a way which will not influence the needs of generations to come. Throughout an exciting and educational Escape room quiz we will cover all main topics that interact between the above mentioned disciplines with special focus on SDGs in Croatia. Renewable energy, economic growth, climate change and natural heritage are just some of the topics that will be covered during this event. The main goal is to embrace the sustainable way of thinking in everyday life and turn them from ideas into action.

Objectives: The main goal of this workshop is encouraging students to use their knowledge of geography to think and behave accordingly towards sustainable development goals in everyday life.
Glavni cilj ove radionice je potaknuti učenike na održiv način razmišljanja kroz geografska znanja u svakodnevnom životu te pretvoriti ideje u djela.

Event language: hrvatski

Country: Croatia / Hrvatska

City: Zagreb

Link (for online events): [it will be displayed here as soon as possibile]

Reference person: Iva Veverec & Maja Klanac

Role or Function: Geography teachers

Reference Organization (if any):

Those who organize are: Academics, Geography enthusiasts, Students

Expected duration: around 2 hours

Event program: [to be be displayed here as soon as possibile]

