National Webinar
National Webinar National Webinar The event will be: Online Short presentation of the event: We have invited Ms….
Oulu: město, kde se i v zimě jezdí na kole (Oulu: the city where you bike even in winter)
Oulu: město, kde se i v zimě jezdí na kole (Oulu: the city where you bike even in winter) The…
Habitat in città: alla scoperta del Parco dell’Adige
Habitat in città: alla scoperta del Parco dell’Adige Habitat in town: discovering Adige Park The event will be:…
How do we make global food systems more just?
How do we make global food systems more just? How do we make global food systems more just? …
Celebrate Geography with OAGEE
Celebrate Geography with OAGEE Celebrate Geography with OAGEE The event will be: Online Friday April 1, 2022 @7pm…
Játékos Geo Day&Night virtuális felfedező túrákkal itthon és a nagyvilágban
Játékos Geo Day&Night virtuális felfedező túrákkal itthon és a nagyvilágban Geo Day&Night Virtual Explorer Tour in Hungary and around…
Geography, Sport and Climate Change
Geography, Sport and Climate Change Geography, Sport and Climate Change The event will be: Online Short presentation of…
Poznań by night. Miejsca nieoczywiste
Poznań by night. Miejsca nieoczywiste Poznań by night. Not obvious places The event will be: Wycieczka terenowa Short…
Escursione didattica notturna Catania sotterranea
Escursione didattica notturna Catania sotterranea Catania underground educational night excursion The event will be: In presenza (se consentito…
Riforestare la mente: proposte indigene per la giustizia climatica
Riforestare la mente: proposte indigene per la giustizia climatica Reforesting the Mind: Indigenous visions for Climate Justice The…
Nyíregyháza legmagasabb pontjára, a Geri-dombra (Őr-halom) vezető rövid gyalogtúra
Nyíregyháza legmagasabb pontjára, a Geri-dombra (Őr-halom) vezető rövid gyalogtúra A short hike to the highest point of Nyíregyháza, the…
Urbanization of a Zabok region – Urbanizacija područja grada Zaboka
Urbanization of a Zabok region Urbanizacija zabočkog područja The event will be: “Live” in presence (if it will…
“Sperimentare e conoscere meglio i paesaggi del territorio circostante per migliorare lo stato d’animo”
“Sperimentare e conoscere meglio i paesaggi del territorio circostante per migliorare lo stato d’animo” Experience and learn more about…
Exhibition “Cities of the world. Views and maps” / Exposición «Ciudades del mundo. Vistas. Planos»
Exhibition “Cities of the world. Views and maps” Exposición «Ciudades del mundo. Vistas. Planos» Do you want to know…
Excursion in Ravines trail
Excursion in Ravines trail Excursion in Ravines trail The event will be: “Live” in presence (if it will…
“The legend of the lost jewels” online Escape room / «La leyenda de las joyas perdidas» Escape room virtual
“The legend of the lost jewels”, the online Escape room by the IGN Spain «La leyenda de las joyas…
Dal Nord America alle Marche. Uno sguardo geografico tra basket e territorio
Dal Nord America alle Marche. Uno sguardo geografico tra basket e territorio Dal Nord America alle Marche. Un punto…
Assaggi di natura in città
Assaggi di natura in città Tasting nature in the city The event will be: In presenza (se consentito…
GeoNight GeoNight The event will be: “Live” in presence (if allowed by the covid rules, otherwise it will…
Design your Custom Made Map in GeoNight / Diseña tu Mapa a la Carta en GeoNight
Design your Custom Made Map in GeoNight Diseña tu Mapa a la Carta en GeoNight The event will be online…
Geografia e Musica. I luoghi nelle canzoni di Franco Battiato
Geografia e Musica. I luoghi nelle canzoni di Franco Battiato Geography and Music. The places in Franco Battiato’s songs…
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Magyarpolányban
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Magyarpolányban The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a Covid előírások megengedik, különben nem kerül…
Geoguessr avec une géographe
Geoguessr avec une géographe Geoguessr avec une géographe Cet évènement sera : en ligne Short presentation of the…
In altri tempi e in altri luoghi. Passeggiata urbana tra reale e virtuale al Casale San Pio V.
1 APRILE 2022 16:00-18:00, CASALE DI SAN PIO V, Via del Casale di San Pio V 44, Roma In…
Viva la Geografía
Viva la Geografía Viva la Geografía The event will be: Mixed (Online AND in presence) Short presentation of…
Saudi Culture and Nature
Saudi Culture and Nature Saudi Culture and Nature The event will be: Online Short presentation of the event:…
Virtual Geography: a tour through Portugal and Portugal – the next 5 years: which country after the Recovery and Resilience Plan?
Virtual Geography: a tour through Portugal and Recovery and Resilience Plan – In five years, what country will we…
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Budapesten
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Budapesten The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a Covid előírások megengedik, különben nem kerül…
Geocaching in Geoparks
Geocaching in Geoparks Geocaching in Geoparks The event will be: Mixed (Online AND in presence) Short presentation of…
“Geografijos paieškos mieste”
“Geografijos paieškos mieste” “Geografijos paieškos mieste” The event will be: “Live” in presence (if it will be allowed…
IGU YECG – GEOSUS Geographical Perspectives on sustainable development
IGU YECG – GeoSUS Geographical Perspectives on sustainable development The event will be: Online Short brief of the event:…
Quiz “Let`s explore Europe”
Quiz “Let`s explore Europe” Quiz “Let`s explore Europe” I invite everyone to play: Kahoot: Game PIN: 07247571 Quiz…
Híres magyarok a földrajz történetében
Híres magyarok a földrajz történetében Famous Hungarians in the History of Geography The event will be: Online Short…
Večer geografije
Večer geografije Osnovna škola „Đuro Ester“ pridružila se međunarodnom projektu „GeoNight2022“. Događaj će biti organiziran 1. travnja u nekoliko…
Kanyargó folyóink nyomában a folyóvizes laboratóriumban
Kanyargó folyóink nyomában a folyóvizes laboratóriumban The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a Covid előírások megengedik,…
El Nino
El Nino El Nino The event will be: Online Short presentation of the event: Pomoću plakata izrađenih u…
Kramtyk geografiją (Chew on geography)
Kramtyk geografiją (Chew on geography) Kramtyk geografiją (Chew on geography) The event will be: “Live” in presence (if…
The Ring of Fire – home to hundreds volcanoes and earthquakes
The Ring of Fire – home to hundreds volcanoes and earthquakes The event will be: Online Short presentation of the…
“The city as a playground : Urban geocaching organized by geographers-urban planners”
“The city as a playground : Urban geocaching organized by geographers-urban planners” The event will be: “Live” in presence…
Noche Mexicana de Geografía, Naturaleza y Sociedad
Our event will allow attendees to become familiar with geographic concepts and learn how geography is currently part of our…
Local Governance of the Urban Night Time
Come mentire con le mappe. Laboratorio interattivo di cartografia critica, tra il sacro ed il profano, a cura del Kollectiv Orangotango (Berlino)
Come mentire con le mappe. Laboratorio interattivo di cartografia critica, tra il sacro ed il profano, a cura del…
Orientacinis žaidimas “Paieškos Kauno Žaliakalnyje”
Orientacinis žaidimas “Paieškos Kauno Žaliakalnyje” The event will be: Gyvas, jei leis Covid pandemijos situacija, tačiau kitu atveju…
Put oko svijeta u noći geografije
Put oko svijeta u noći geografije Around the world on Geography Night The event will be: “Uživo” uz…
Mokyklos geografijos muziejaus vertybės
Mokyklos geografijos muziejaus vertybės Mokyklos geografijos muziejaus vertybės The event will be: Online Short presentation of the event:…
Pomladni venček: okrogla miza z mladimi zaposlenimi geografi
Pomladni venček: okrogla miza z mladimi zaposlenimi geografi Panel with young employed geographers The event will be: v…
Croatian forest resources – Šumski resursi Hrvatske
Croatian forest resources – Šumski resursi Hrvatske Croatian forest resources – Šumski resursi Hrvatske The event will be:…
Geografie della sostenibilità
In presenza & online La sostenibilità verrà affrontata in chiave bolognese, soprattutto rispetto alle questioni energetiche, alle condizioni territoriali e…
Štima li nam klima?
Štima li nam klima? Hey, is our climate okay? The event will be: “Uživo” uz prisustvo sudionika (ukoliko…
Geografija i kakao Geografija, kakao i čokolada Geography, cocoa and chocolate The event will be: “Uživo” uz prisustvo sudionika (ukoliko…
Wieczór z geografią przed maturą / Evening with geography before the matura exam
PL: Wieczór z geografią przed maturą ENG: Evening with geography before the matura exam The event will be: ONLINE…
Online kérdőív Gödöllő szobrairól és a kapcsolódó földrajzi ismeretekről
Online kvíz Gödöllő szobrairól és a kapcsolódó földrajzi ismeretekről Online quiz about statues of Gödöllő and the connecting geographical…
Fun with flags
Fun with flags Fun with flags The event will be: “Live” in presence (if allowed by the covid…
Gocce di civiltà in un mare di plastica
Gocce di civiltà in un mare di plastica drops of civilization in a sea of plastic The event…
Géographies buissonnières
Géographies buissonnières Géographies buissonnières The event will be: “Live” in presence (if it will be allowed by the…
Rimanere umani nel XXI secolo è ancora possibile grazie al legame con il proprio territorio
Rimanere umani nel XXI secolo è ancora possibile grazie al legame con il proprio territorio Remaining human in the…
GEO4YOUTH Future generazioni e spatial care The event will be: In modalità mista (Online e in presenza) Short…
Cibo: cultura, pratiche, paesaggi
Cibo: cultura, pratiche, paesaggi Food: culture, practices, landscapes The event will be: in modalità mista (in presenza e…
Vandens lašo žemėlapis
Vandens lašo žemėlapis Vandens lašo žemėlapis The event will be: Online Short presentation of the event: Licėjaus bendruomenė…
Nuove ruralità a Milano: passeggiando per il quartiere Barona.
Nuove ruralità a Milano: passeggiando per il quartiere Barona. New ruralities in Milan: walking in the neighbourhood of Barona….
GeoNight Challange
GeoNight Challange GeoNight Challange The event will be: Online Short presentation of the event: is one of…
150th Anniversary Overland Telegraph Line, Australia
150th Anniversary Overland Telegraph Line, Australia The event will be: Online Short presentation of the event: An online brochure…
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Kassán
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Kassán The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a Covid előírások megengedik, különben nem kerül megrendezésre)…
Aspetti didattici in chiave geografica e astronomica nella Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri (prof. FILOMENA MONTELLA) con presentazione del Planetario di Bari (Direttore PIERLUIGI CATIZONE). Excursus nell’opera dantesca in chiave didattica e divulgativa alla ricerca dei contenuti scientifici
Aspetti didattici in chiave geografica e astronomica nella Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri (prof. FILOMENA MONTELLA) con presentazione del…
Što možemo naučiti o klimatskim promjenama?
Što možemo naučiti o klimatskim promjenama? What can we learn about climate change? The event will be: “Live” in…
Living Heritage / Živuća baština
Living Heritage / Živuća baština Living Heritage / Živuća baština The event will be: “Live” in presence (if…
A homokhátság szépségei és gondjai
A homokhátság szépségei és gondjai The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a Covid előírások megengedik, különben…
Appennino. Economie, culture e spazi sociali dal medioevo all’età contemporanea
Appennino. Economie, culture e spazi sociali dal medioevo all’età contemporanea Apennines. Economies, cultures and social spaces from the Middle…
Viewing this website from…
People are viewing this site from (snapshot taken on March 27 2022, 19.40 CET; data 1 Jan – 26 March)…
Espacios urbanos fosilizados: El antiguo HUCA (Oviedo)
Espacios urbanos fosilizados: El antiguo HUCA (Oviedo) Espacios urbanos fosilizados: El antiguo HUCA (Oviedo) The event will be: “Live”…
Il mare dei Malavoglia: l’Area marina protetta isole dei Ciclopi tra passato e presente
Il mare dei Malavoglia: l’Area marina protetta isole dei Ciclopi tra passato e presente The event will be:…
Tiriamasis žygis Sudervės upės slėnyje Pilaitėje, Vilniuje
Walk and map: explore the Suderve river valley The event will be: LIVE, Gyvas, jei leis Covid situacija, kitu atveju…
Globalno zatopljenje
Globalno zatopljenje Global warming The event will be: “Uživo” uz prisustvo sudionika (ukoliko to dopuste epidemiološke mjere, u…
A megismert világ: kalandozások térkép-különlegességek és útleírások világában
A megismert világ: kalandozások térkép-különlegességek és útleírások világában The event will be: Vegyes (online és jelenléti egyaránt) Short…
VDU UKG GEOGRAFIJOS NAKTIS 2022 VDU UKG GeoNight 2022 The event will be: Renginys vyks VDU Ugnės Karvelis…
Üljünk ki a (középső-miocén) párkánysík-teraszra!
Üljünk ki a (középső-miocén) párkánysík-teraszra! Let’s sit out on the (Middle Miocene) terrace! The event will be: “Élő”,…
Rijeka – od izvora do ušća – radionica
Rijeka – od izvora do ušća – radionica River – from spring to mouth – workshop The event…
a greeting from the organizers
Unfortunately this screenshot photographed only part of the organizers, but a greeting and a thank you to all of them!…
Climate emergency: the Glasgow Climate Pact and the latest scientific updates from the IPPC’s VI Assessment Report
Climate emergency: the Glasgow Climate Pact and the latest scientific updates from the IPPC’s VI Assessment Report Emergenza climatica:…
Posjet Institutu za oceanografiju i ribarstvo u Splitu
Visit to the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Split The event will be: “Uživo” uz prisustvo sudionika (ukoliko…
Urban Adaptation to Extreme Heat Events
Urban Adaptation to Extreme Heat Events Urban Adaptation to Extreme Heat Events The event will be: “Live” in…
Scopriamo la bassa Valle dell’Ofanto
Scopriamo la bassa Valle dell’Ofanto The event will be: In presenza (se consentito dalle regole covid, altrimenti l’evento…
Vakaronė prie Žaliųjų ežerų
Vakaronė prie Žaliųjų ežerų Evening by the Green Lakes The event will be: Gyvas, jei leis Covid pandemijos…
Proširena stvarnost u učionici budućnosti
Proširena stvarnost u učionici budućnosti Augmented reality in the classroom of the future The event will be: “Uživo”…
Kincskereső városi vonatozás Balassagyarmaton
Kincskereső városi vonatozás Balassagyarmaton Treasure Hunt City Train in Balassagyarmat The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben…
Gradovi – oblikovatelji prostora i vremena u kojem zivimo
Gradovi – oblikovatelji prostora i vremena u kojem zivimo The event will be: “Uživo” uz prisustvo sudionika (ukoliko…
Chocolate Geography
Chocolate Geography The event will be: “Live” in presence, Osnovna škola Granešina, Granešina 1, Zagreb; 18:45 Short presentation of…
I confini orientali della Nato (Eastern borders of the NATO)
I confini orientali della Nato (Eastern borders of the NATO) I confini orientali della Nato (Eastern borders of…
Quattro note per la pace
Quattro note per la pace The event will be: In modalità mista (Online E in presenza) Short presentation…
Geografski pristup u planiranju i razvoju javnog prijevoza
Geografski pristup u planiranju i razvoju javnog prijevoza Geographic Approach to Public Transportation Planning and Development The event…
Hrvati u iseljeništvu
Hrvati u iseljeništvu Croatian Diaspora The event will be: On-site, 1.4.2022., 9.30h Short presentation of the event (HR): Teško…
A digitális planetárium csodái
A digitális planetárium csodái Wonders of the Digital Planetarium The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a…
La cultura si fa spazio? Verso una mappatura delle trasformazioni urbane a base culturale a Palermo
La cultura si fa spazio? Verso una mappatura delle trasformazioni urbane a base culturale a Palermo Space for culture….
Geographical tour through the campus of the University of Alicante
Geographical tour through the campus of the University of Alicante The event will be: “Live” in presence and…
Élménybeszámoló az Országos Kéktúra szakaszairól
Élménybeszámoló az Országos Kéktúra szakaszairól The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a Covid előírások megengedik, különben…
Luoghi, culture, periferie
Luoghi, culture, periferie Places, Cultures, Peripheries The event will be: In modalità mista (Online E in presenza) Short…
GeoKviz GeoQuiz The event will be: “Uživo” uz prisustvo sudionika. Short presentation of the event: Organizirat ćemo geografski…
Expo photos – paysages caennais
Exposition photos – Paysages Caennais Le Campus des Transitions vous ouvre ses portes pour une exposition photos, des conférences…
Geografia e cambiamenti climatici: dal globale al locale
Geografia e cambiamenti climatici: dal globale al locale Geography and Climate Change: from global to local The event…
Soproni Széchenyi István Gimnázium
“Földrajz az egész világ…” The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a Covid előírások megengedik, különben nem…
„Legfiatalabb” földrajzi kutatások Szombathelyen
„Legfiatalabb” földrajzi kutatások Szombathelyen ‘Youngest’ Geographical Researches in Szombathely The event will be: Vegyes (online és jelenléti egyaránt)…
L’agglomération d’Antananarivo : enjeux et pratiques socio-géographiques contrastées liés à l’éclairage public et domestique
L’éclairage public et domestique à Antananarivo : un enjeu en matière de développement humain Au premier regard, Antananarivo apparaît…
Myths about water uses and drought
Myths about water uses and drought The event will be: “Live” (if allowed by the covid rules, otherwise…
Walking Geography: exploring processes in La Paz city
Walking Geography: exploring processes in La Paz city Walking Geography: exploring processes in La Paz city The event…
La représentation socio-spatiale du cimetière dans la production artistique et littéraire algérienne des années 1990
La représentation socio-spatiale du cimetière dans la production artistique et littéraire algérienne des années 1990 La représentation socio-spatiale du…
TERRA INCOGNITA A walk across the world
TERRA INCOGNITA A walk across the world TERRA INCOGNITA A walk across the world The event will be:…
Klimatske promjene i što mi možemo učiniti?
Klimatske promjene i što mi možemo učiniti? Climate change and what we can do about it? The event…
Prirodne katastrofe – opasnosti ili fenomeni?
Prirodne katastrofe – opasnosti ili fenomeni? Natural disasters – a danger or a phenomenon? The event will be:…
Geonight à Poitiers. Sentiers de géographes de la terre au terrain
Geonight à Poitiers. Sentiers de géographes de la terre au terrain De la terre au terrain – Les jeunes…
Tarptautinę paukščių dieną sutinkant
Tarptautinę paukščių dieną sutinkant Greeting of international bird day The event will be: “Live” in presence (if allowed…
Bhuratri 2022
Bhuratri 2022 Bhuratri 2022 Bhuratri 2022 The event will be: Online activity on Travel in India and on…
La géographie béninoise d’hier à aujourd’hui
La géographie béninoise d’hier à aujourd’hui Beninese geography from yesterday to today The event will be: (in presence? Online?)…
Nuit de la Géographie
Nuit de la Géographie Nuit de la Géographie The event will be: “Live” in presence (if allowed by…
Il dott. Vincenzo Misuriello guiderà gli studenti delle classi 4 e 5 del Corso Turistico, la 2D e la 5…
Il disseccamento degli ulivi in Puglia e la questione Xylella: a otto anni dalla proclamata emergenza A che punto siamo?
Il disseccamento degli ulivi in Puglia e la questione Xylella: a otto anni dalla proclamata emergenza A che punto…
Život u oblacima
Život u oblacima Head in the clouds The event will be: “Uživo” uz prisustvo sudionika (ukoliko to dopuste…
Europa u našoj školi (Europe in Our School)
Europa u našoj školi (Europe in Our School) Europa u našoj školi (Europe in Our School) The event…
OpenStreetMap Guyane GeoNight 2022
OpenStreetMap Guyane GeoNight 2022 The event will be: Présentiel au Bees Work, salle Pôle-N (12 Allée Université Yale) (porte…
Geografía urbana de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Planeamiento urbano, movilidad, infraestructuras verdes y segregación residencial
Geografía urbana de Vitoria-Gasteiz. Planeamiento urbano, movilidad, infraestructuras verdes y segregación residencial Urban geography of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Urban planning, mobility,…
Noć Geografije – pješčanik s dopunjenom stvarnošću
Noć Geografije – pješčanik s dopunjenom stvarnošću Noć Geografije – pješčanik s dopunjenom stvarnošću The event will be:…
Orientarsi con i terremoti
Orientarsi con i terremoti ORIENTING ONESELF IN ITALIAN EARTQUAKES The event will be: Online Short presentation of the…
GeoHeart GeoHeart The event will be: “Live” in presence (if it will be allowed by the covid rules, otherwise…
Catastrophe cartography 💻🕘L’événement a lieu en ligne, à distance. Il commence à 21h et durera 1 heure environ. Voici…
Politička geografija Jugoistočne Europe
Politička geografija Jugoistočne Europe Political geography of Southeast Europe The event will be: online predavanje ( Short…
Night trip to the forest-April 1st
Night trip to the forest- April 1st Night trip to the forest-April 1st The event will be: “Live”…
„Gamta ir kraštovaizdis po daugelio metų: Sufozinis cirkas“
„Gamta ir kraštovaizdis po daugelio metų: Sufozinis cirkas“ „Gamta ir kraštovaizdis po daugelio metų: Sufozinis cirkas“ The event…
Geography and astrotourism. Three years of eclipses (2026-27-28) in Spain
Geografía y astroturismo. Tres años de eclipses (2026-27-28) en España Geografía y astroturismo. Tres años de eclipses (2026-27-28) en…
In cammino tra gli spazi invisibili di Palermo
In cammino tra gli spazi invisibili di Palermo Walking through Palermo: Invisible Spaces The event will be: In…
A tour of the Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro: in the light of geographical reason
A tour of the Paseo del Prado and Buen Retiro: in the light of geographical reason A tour of…
Are you just a regular photoGEOinfluencer?
Are you just a regular photoGEOinfluencer? Are you just a regular photoGEOinfluencer? The event will be: “Live” in…
Presentazione del libro: TUTTO A POSTO di Vito Palumbo
Presentazione del libro: TUTTO A POSTO di Vito Palumbo Presentation book: “TUTTO A POSTO” – Vito Palumbo The…
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Mohácson
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Mohácson The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a Covid előírások megengedik, különben nem kerül…
GeoGuardians / GeoČuvari
GeoGuardians / GeoČuvari GeoGuardians / GeoČuvari The event will be: “Live” in presence (if allowed by the covid…
Proposals until Sunday 28 February 2021
This map is temporary: it represents the proposals received by 22.30 on 28 February 2021; the proposals have yet to…
Lo sguardo implicito della città neoliberale: mappature dal basso per decolonizzare lo spazio urbano – EVENTO ANNULLATO
Lo sguardo implicito della città neoliberale: mappature dal basso per decolonizzare lo spazio urbano The implicit gaze of the…
Geo Night in the “City of Tsars”
Geo Night in the City of Tsars Geo Night in the City of Tsars The event will be: Online…
La huella de la Victoria: Geohistoria de la Sevilla fluvial del s. XVI
La huella de la Victoria: Geohistoria de la Sevilla fluvial del s. XVI La huella de la Victoria: Geohistoria…
Cagliari, visioni di una città
Cagliari, visioni di una città The event will be: In presenza Short presentation of the event: L’evento cagliaritano, organizzato…
Geonight 2022 all’IIS “Verona Trento-Majorana” (Me)
GeoNight 2022 all’IIS “Verona Trento-Majorana” (ME) GeoNight 2022 at IIS “Verona Trento-Majorana” (ME) The event will be: In…
Photo competition “We in the landscape” – Award ceremony
Photo competition “We in the landscape” – Award ceremony Photo competition “We in the landscape” – Award ceremony …
Marte è quadrato? Discorsi serissimi sulle esplorazioni terrestri ed extraterrestri e sulle forme e dimensioni dei corpi celesti
Marte è quadrato? Discorsi serissimi sulle esplorazioni terrestri ed extraterrestri e sulle forme e dimensioni dei corpi celesti Is…
Il padlet del corso di Geografia. Luoghi, concetti e approfondimenti tematici nello spazio dell’attualità
Il padlet del corso di Geografia. Luoghi, concetti e approfondimenti tematici nello spazio dell’attualità The Geography class padlet. Places,…
Karabakh – gorgeous part of Azerbaijan.
Karabakh – gorgeous part of Azerbaijan. The event will be: Online Short presentation of the event: Describing the geography…
Let’s play Geography! Routes, Expeditions, Sharing and Exchange: Basic rules for Gamification
Let’s play Geography! Routes, Expeditions, Gamification Let’s play Geography! The event will be: In modalità mista (Online E in…
Natural disasters – causes und effects
Natural disasters – causes und effects Natural disasters – causes und effects The event will be: “Live” in…
Nuotolinis tiltas “Buona Notte Vilnius – Roma”
Nuotolinis tiltas “Buona Notte Vilnius – Roma” Nuotolinis tiltas “Buona Notte Vilnius – Roma” The event will be: Online…
Video-Making Sustainable Tourism in the Maldives
Video-Making Sustainable Tourism in the Maldives Video-Making Sustainable Tourism in the Maldives The event will be: ONLINE Short…
Alla scoperta della Società Geografica Italiana: museo del viaggio, racconto del mondo e rappresentazione dello spazio geografico
1 APRILE 2022 DALLE 18.00 ALLE 23.00 Palazzetto Mattei in Villa Celimontana, via della Navicella 12, Roma Click here to…
Naša Zemlja – izvana i iznutra
Naša Zemlja – izvana i iznutra Naša Zemlja – izvana i iznutra The event will be: “Live” in…
Geosciences – present challenges
Geosciences – present challenges Geosciences – present challenges The event will be: Online Short presentation of the event:…
GeoNight 2022 – Events map
Please note that sometimes two or more event pinpoints are overlapping (where we’ve had only the city, or the same…
“Letture di cabotaggio” – Reading di estratti da opere di geografi e viaggiatori dell’Antichità classica greca e romana.
“Letture di cabotaggio” – Reading di estratti da opere di geografi e viaggiatori dell’Antichità classica greca e romana. “Cabotage…
Moje izkušnje s turizmom na raznih koncih sveta
Moje izkušnje s turizmom na raznih koncih sveta 1. APRIL, 2022, 18:30 My experiences with tourism in different parts…
#Citizen geography -Geografia delle riscoperte, con in tasca wikiloc a riscoprir i luoghi della terra
#Geografia delle riscoperte, con wikiloc in tasca per riscoprire i luoghi della terra L’evento sarà : on line,…
Umeå: město, kde začíná zima na konci léta (Umeå: the city where winter starts at the end of summer)
Umeå: město, kde začíná zima na konci léta (Umeå: the city where winter starts at the end of summer) The…
Destinazione Appennini
Destinazione Appennini Destination Apennines The event will be: In modalità mista (Online E in presenza) Short presentation of…
Nuit de la Géo / Question pour un géo
Nuit de la Géo / Question pour un géo Geo Night / Going for Geo The event will…
Territori i Paisatge
Territori i Paisatge The event will be: “Live” in presence (if allowed by the covid rules, otherwise it…
Geografie sostenibili in campo… dei girasoli. Dialoghi tra il fiume e la città
Geografie sostenibili in campo… dei girasoli. Dialoghi tra il fiume e la città Sustainable Geographies in the Field…of sunflowers….
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Nagyváradon
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Nagyváradon The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a Covid előírások megengedik, különben nem kerül…
Vivere di bellezza con la bellezza del Mondo
Vivere di bellezza con la bellezza del Mondo Living in beauty and with the beauty of the World The event…
Tanulmányút a budapesti Róka-hegyi felhagyott kőfejtőbe
Tanulmányút a budapesti Róka-hegyi felhagyott kőfejtőbe Fieldtrip to the abandoned quarry of Róka-hegy (Fox Hill), Budapest The event…
Let`s travel around Europe
Let`s travel around Europe Let`s travel around Europe The event will be: “Live” in presence (if allowed by…
Eurovision Song Contest: Celebrating Togetherness in a Divided Content?
Eurovision Song Contest: Celebrating Togetherness in a Divided Continent? Eurovision Song Contest: Celebrating Togetherness in a Divided Continent? The…
UniCarTo: mappare la città di Torino con il punto di vista degli studenti universitari
UniCarTo: mappare la città di Torino con il punto di vista degli studenti universitari UniCarTo: mapping Turin by and…
“Acqua fonte di vita-Gocce di Sostenibilità” Agenda 2030 Goal n.6.
“Acqua fonte di vita-Gocce di Sostenibilità” Agenda 2030 Goal n.6. “Water source of life-Drops of Sustainability” Agenda 2030 Goal…
Mapathon Missing Maps CartONG – Géothèque
Mapathon Missing Maps CartONG Missing Maps CartONG The event will be: en ligne Short presentation of the event: Atelier…
Az utazó – Kalandjáték az egész családnak
Az utazó – Kalandjáték az egész családnak The Traveler – Adventure Game for the Whole Family The event…
Quiz “All about Lithuania” – Viktorina “Viskas apie Lietuvą”
Quiz “All about Lithuania”, Quiz “All about Lithuania”, Kviečiame 5-6 klasių mokinius prisijungti prie viktorinos “Viskas apie Lietuvą” Reginio…
Officine di Placetelling. Le proposte narrative degli studenti Unisalento per la valorizzazione dei borghi del “Tacco d’Italia”
Officine di Placetelling. Le proposte narrative degli studenti Unisalento per la valorizzazione dei borghi del “Tacco d’Italia” Placetelling workshops….
La miniera Bosco di San Cataldo (CL)
La miniera Bosco di San Cataldo (CL) The event will be: Online Short presentation of the event: La…
Correlation of subjects in VET schools with the use of ICT
Correlation of subjects in VET schools with the use of ICT Korelacija predmeta u strukovnoj školi komercijalnog usmjerenja …
Potraga za blagom u Dioklecijanovoj palači
Potraga za blagom u Dioklecijanovoj palači Potraga za blagom u Dioklecijanovoj palači Događaj će biti : “Uživo” uz…
Geografia e Situated learning nella Scuola e nell’Università – Presentazione del libro, simulazione di alcune nuove tecniche didattiche per una Geografia della Pace. Riflessioni a margine.
Presentazione del libro, simulazione di alcune nuove tecniche didattiche in particolare per una Geografia della Pace. Riflessioni a margine….
Pratiche di rigenerAzione. Un itinerario per ricomporre i margini
Pratiche di rigenerAzione. Un itinerario per ricomporre i margini RigenerAction practises. An itinerary to recompose the margins The…
About GeoNight
La Nuit de la Géographie / GeoNight In 2017, the French National Geographical Committee (CNFG) initiated the first « Nuit…
Commercio, consumo e turismo: Matera una città in trasformazione
Commercio, consumo e turismo: Matera una città in trasformazione The event will be: In modalità mista (Online E…
Nuit de la géographie
Nuit de la géographie Nuit de la géographie The event will be: “Live” in presence (if it will…
The Impact of Nuclear Power Plant on Life
The Impact of Nuclear Power Plant on Life The Impact of Nuclear Power Plant on Life The event…
i geografi a Geografie
i geografi a Geografie geographers at “Geografie” The event will be: In presenza (se consentito dalle regole covid,…
Enclaves: Vatican and Lesotho
Enclaves: Vatican and Lesotho The event will be: Online Short presentation of the event: The purpose of the project…
Trki vesoljskih teles z Zemljo in strategije zaščite pred trki
Trki vesoljskih teles z Zemljo in strategije zaščite pred trki 💫NOČ GEOGRAFIJE💫 Društvo študentov geografije Maribor in Oddelek…
Propose an event for the 2023 GeoNight Edition
Scroll this page for the webform to propose an event. Click here to download the Guidelines for the 2023 GeoNight…
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Pécsen
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Pécsen The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a Covid előírások megengedik, különben nem kerül…
Noć geografije u našoj školi OŠ Župa dubrovačka
Noć geografije u našoj školi OŠ Župa dubrovačka Noć geografije u našoj školi OŠ Župa dubrovačka The event…
Kako šuma utječe na tlo i vodu krškog područja Mediterana?
Kako šuma utječe na tlo i vodu krškog područja Mediterana? The event will be: Uživo uz prisustvo sudionika…
Alla scoperta della Natura… passeggiando nel parco!
Alla scoperta della Natura… passeggiando nel parco! Walking in the Park…discovering Nature! The event will be: In modalità…
Mobilos kincskeresés Szombathelyen a Fő tér környékén
Mobilos kincskeresés Szombathelyen a Fő tér környékén Treasure Hunting Using Cellphone around Fő tér (Main Square) in Szombathely …
Upotreba kartografskih izvora i GIS alata u analizi morfoloških promjena riječnih korita
Upotreba kartografskih izvora i GIS alata u analizi morfoloških promjena riječnih korita The use of cartographic sources and GIS…
Modern Geography: mapping space of places and flows
Modern Geography: mapping space of places and flows Modern Geography: mapping space of places and flows The event…
Obiettivo bellezza dimenticata
Obiettivo bellezza dimenticata Forgotten Beauty The event will be: In presenza (se consentito dalle regole covid, altrimenti sarà…
Staffetta geografica, gli studenti descrivono il territorio
Staffetta geografica, gli studenti descrivono il territorio The city around me The event will be: both online and…
Catania dall’alto by night
Catania dall’alto by night Catania from above by night The event will be: In presenza (se consentito dalle…
Geography night at Alytus Panemune progymnasium
Geography night at Alytus Panemune progymnasium Countries presentation The event will be: “Live” in presence Short presentation of…
Videogiochi e spazi vissuti: storie di mondi e di schermi
Videogiochi e spazi vissuti: storie di mondi e di schermi Videogames and living space The event will be:…
Se déplacer sur l’océan : de l’imaginaire à la réalité.
Se déplacer sur l’océan : de l’imaginaire à la réalité. L’événement sera : “Live” en présence (si autorisé…
ESPLORARE IL MARE ATTRAVERSO IL PAESAGGIO SONORO: laboratorio per studenti di scuola primaria
ESPLORARE IL MARE ATTRAVERSO IL PAESAGGIO SONORO: laboratorio per studenti di scuola primaria L’evento sarà : In presenza (se…
Azok a csodálatos térképek
Azok a csodálatos térképek Those amazing maps The event will be: Online Short presentation of the event: 10…
A Földrajz Kultúrája – Kisújszállás Art
A Földrajz Kultúrája – Kisújszállás Art Culture of Geography – Kisújszállás Art The event will be: “Élő”, személyes…
LAB RigenerAzioni al femminile
LAB RigenerAzioni al femminile Female Urban Regeneration Lab The event will be: In presenza, seguendo le regole anti-covid…
Túra a Mecsekben és csillagvizsgálás
Túra a Mecsekben és csillagvizsgálás The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a Covid előírások megengedik, különben…
Geografia e Cartografia, un binomio indispensabile per acquisire consapevolezza del Nostro Domani
Geografia e Cartografia, un binomio indispensabile per acquisire la consapevolezza del Nostro Domani Geografia e Cartografia, un binomio indispensabile…
Oikos. Poeti per il futuro
Oikos. Poeti per il futuro Oikos. Poets for the future The event will be: Online, piattaforma Zoom Short presentation…
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Sepsiszentgyörgyön
Szimultán csillagösvényeken Sepsiszentgyörgyön The event will be: “Élő”, személyes jelenléttel (amennyiben a Covid előírások megengedik, különben nem kerül megrendezésre)…
In cammino verso la mappa di comunità della Riserva del Lago di Tarsia (Calabria )
In cammino verso la mappa di comunità della Riserva del Lago di Tarsia (Calabria) On the way to the…
Stereo w geografii – geografia w stereo
Stereo w geografii – geografia w stereo Stereo in geography – geography in stereo The event: Online meeting…
Promatranje zvjezdanog neba
Promatranje zvjezdanog neba Observe the starry sky The event will be: “Uživo” uz prisustvo sudionika (ukoliko to dopuste…
Demokratizacija kartografije
Demokratizacija kartografije Demokratizacija kartografije The event will be: Online, April 1, 2022 at 10 a.m. on the Zoom…
Krški reljef – što se događa?
Krški reljef – što se događa? Karst relief – what does happen? The event will be: “Uživo” uz…
MapoFaktura 2022
MapoFaktura 2022 MapoFaktura 2022 to już trzecia edycja wydarzenia organizowanego przez studentów turystyki i rekreacji Wydziału Nauk Geograficznych Uniwersytetu…
Viewing this website from…
People are viewing this site from (snapshot taken on February 27 2021, 15.00 CET) People are viewing this site…
Viva la Geografía
Viva la Geografía Viva la Geografía The event will be: Mixed (Online AND in presence) Short presentation of…
Geo pub kviz
Geo pub kviz Geo pub quiz The event will be: “Uživo” uz prisustvo sudionika (ukoliko to dopuste epidemiološke…
The world beyond our perception – the importance of thematic map-making
The world beyond our perception – the importance of thematic map-making The event will be: Online Short presentation…
GEO pub quiz 2022
GEO pub quiz – najzabavniji kviz u kojem ćeš se nasmijati i provjeriti svoje znanje GEO pub quiz…
GeoNight 2021 Global Map
[The map you see here is about the 2019 edition. Click for more info] when all the proposed events are…
Volcanoes – life on the edge
Volcanoes – life on the edge Volcanoes – life on the edge The event will be: “Live” in presence…
“Luoghi in comune”: mappare memorie, racconti e spazi di vita
“Luoghi in comune”: mappare memorie, racconti e spazi di vita Everyday places: mapping memories, narrations and mundane spaces …
Putujemo Primorskom Hrvatskom
Putujemo Primorskom Hrvatskom Travelling through the coast of Croatia The event will be: “Uživo” uz prisustvo sudionika (ukoliko…
La geografía: su enseñanza y su aplicación desde la frontera norte de México
La geografía: su enseñanza y su aplicación desde la frontera norte de México The event will be: Online Short presentation…
Life Loves Landscape
Life Loves Landscape Life Loves Landscape The event will be: In presenza (se consentito dalle regole covid, altrimenti…
Geografia oggi: costruiamo le carte per conoscere il nostro territorio
Geografia oggi: costruiamo le carte per conoscere il nostro territorio Geography today: we know our territory by creating maps…
GeoArti. Un percorso tra la Geografia e le Arti
GeoArti. Un percorso tra la Geografia e le Arti The event will be: Online e in presenza; Online and…
E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle
“And then we emerged to see the stars again” – Evening of astronomical and social geography – Ecco il…
Geografijos fiesta
Geografijos fiesta Geografijos fiesta The event will be: “Live” in presence (if allowed by the covid rules, otherwise…
Notte in vetta – Monte Calvo 1065 mt
Notte in vetta – Monte Calvo Night on the top – Calvo Mountain The event will be: In presenza…