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Viaggio nella geografia abruzzese. Immagini, suoni e parole.

Proponente: Silvia Scorrano – Ruolo o Funzione: Professore Associato di Geografia   venerdì 12 aprile 2024 Un viaggio nella geografia…

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Speleo – Bádej víc!

Proposer: Vít Volný  – Role or Function: Board member for Youth Czech Geography Association April 12th, 2024 Speleo – bádej…

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Case, cemento e città. Un dialogo a partire dal libro “Cemento armato. La politica dell’illegalità nelle città italiane”

Proposer: Francesco Chiodelli  – Role or Function: Docente universitario venerdì 12 aprile 2024 Le città nella morsa di cemento e…

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Visit to the paleontological collection / Őslénytani gyűjtemény látogatás

Proposer: FÖLDTANI ÉS ŐSLÉNYTANI TANSZÉK  – Role or Function: contact person April 12th, 2024 17.00, 17.40, 18.20 Őslénytani gyűjtemény Visit…

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Adéntrate en la cartografía web y sus posibles usos

  April 5th, 2024   ¿Dónde? ¿Cerca? ¿Lejos? observa y comparte tu entorno desde la información geográfica   El departamento…

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Alla ricerca delle infrastrutture sociali: una passeggiata esplorativa a Catania

Proposer: Claudia Cantale, Arturo di Bella, Erika Garozzo, Teresa Graziano, Luca Ruggiero (University of Catania, Italy) venerdì 5 aprile 2024…

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Skrivena blaga moga mista

Proposer: Ružica Ivanković Ciotti  – Role or Function: teacher of geography April 12th, 2024 Skrivena blaga moga mista Description: Učenici…

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Proposer: Ágnes Varga  – Role or Function: assistant professor April 5th, 2024 GastroGeography/Gasztroföldrajz Description: Online quiz with 13+1 questions This…

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Geo quiz night

Proposer: Irena Dodigović Sovulj  – Role or Function: Highschool teacher April 12th, 2024 Geo quiz night Description: Different type of…

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Joniskis locally and globally…

Proposer: Giedrė Motiejuitė  – Role or Function: Geography Teacher April 12th, 2024 Joniskis locally and globally… Description: Students conference with…

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Geographic diversity of the Lesser Antilles

Proposer: Cezary Mądry  – Role or Function: Chairman of Poznań Brunch of Polish Geographical Society April 12th, 2024 Geographic diversity…

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Geo Night: De la Geosofía, el no lugar y el imaginario social como producción social del espacio en la hipermodernidad

Propuesta: Juan Manuel Delgado Estrada  – Rol ó función: Coordinador April 12th, 2024 Geo Night: Of geosophy, non-place and the…

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Itinerario geográfico en la UA

Proposer: Antonio Prieto Cerdán  – Role or Function: University professor April 12th, 2024 Itinerario geográfico por la UA Description: Discover…

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Valorizzare e tutelare i territori: sinergie fra università, scuole, enti locali e comunità 

La tutela e la valorizzazione dei territori sono imprescindibilmente legate all’azione delle comunità, azione che può essere promossa, catalizzata e…

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Propose an event (form in Polish language)


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That the culture of rejection becomes a culture of preservation!

Proposer: Marina Međurečan, Nikolina Pavlović  – Role or Function: Teacher April 12th, 2024 That the culture of rejection becomes a…

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Latest geographical research about Szombathely – lectures

Proposer: Pusztai-Eredics Alexandra  – Role or Function: geographer, geomorphologist, assistant lecturer April 12th, 2024 Latest geographical research about Szombathely –…

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“Geonight in visitor Biržai regional center”

Proposer: Inga Maskoliūnienė  – Role or Function: Visitor center administrator April 12th, 2024 “Geonight in visitor Biržai regional center” Description:…

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Noite da Geografia

Proposer: Andre Carmo  – Role or Function: Vice-president of the Portuguese Association of Geographers April 5th, 2024 Noite da Geografia…

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Proposer: Karmen Boroša Kokić, Danijela Prokopec  – Role or Function: teacher April 12th, 2024 PUSTINJE Description: Presentation of students work…

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SPAZIO POETICO L’università come laboratorio transitorio per corpi in fermento

Proposer: Panos Bourlessas (per tutto il settore di Geografia del Dipartimento SAGAS)  – Role or Function: Ricercatore a tempo determinato…

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E-stonsko: Paper free E-rasmus

Proposer: Vít Volný  – Role or Function: Czech Geography Association Board member for Youth April 12th, 2024 E-stonsko: Paper free…

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La transumanza nella Lista del Patrimonio Culturale Immateriale: tradizioni, pratiche, innovazioni nell’Umbria sud-orientale

Proposer: Annamaria Bartolini  – Role or Function: Dottoranda di ricerca presso l’Università degli Studi di Perugia venerdì 12 aprile 2024…

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Propose an event (form in Lithuanian language)


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“On the back of stars” form Iceland

Proposer: dr. Kelemenné Pap Éva  – Role or Function: geographer, geography teacher, teacher of reformed religious education April 12th, 2024…

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Geography and food (Geografija i hrana)

Proposer: Ivan Gambiroža, Tanja Černeka  – Role or Function: Ivan Gambiroža April 12th, 2024 Geography and food (Geografija i hrana)…

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GEONIGHT 2024 – Passeggiare nello spazio e nel tempo.

Proposer: Lucia Masotti  – Role or Function: Docente universitaria; coordinatrice del Laboratorio di Cartografia, Direttrice del Centro Interuniversitario Fontes venerdì…

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Geography in the Museum

Proposer: Fekete-Mácsai Anetta  – Role or Function: director of the Hungarian Geographical Museum April 12th, 2024 Geography in the Museum…

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Aspettando GeoNight… Castello di Fiumedinisi tra geologia e storia .Trekking alla scoperta dei paesaggi di Monte Belvedere

Proposer: Giovanni Lombardo  – Role or Function: Socio fondatore e membro Direttivo Cooperativa di Comunità Valli Basiliane venerdì 12 aprile…

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The meeting of geography and fantasy – world creation in movies, the digital space and board games.

Proposer: Dr. Alpek B. Levente  – Role or Function: assistant professor April 5th, 2024 The meeting of geography and fantasy…

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Balkan Odysea aneb 1150 km na kolech přes Balkán

Proposer: Vít Volný  – Role or Function: Board member for Youth Czech Geographical Association April 12th, 2024 Balkan Odysea aneb…

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Добри практики в публикационния процес [Best practices in publication process]

Proposer: Hristina Prodanova  – Role or Function: Member of the BGS Executive team April 5th, 2024 Добри практики в публикационния…

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Discover the city of Avilés

Observatorio del Territorio / Departamento de Geografía / Universidad de Oviedo   April 12th, 2024 Discover the city of Avilés Observatorio del Territorio / Departamento de…

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Les sciences géographiques face à la problématique des changements socio-environnementaux

Proposer: TOKO IMOROU Ismaïla  – Role or Function: Secrétaire Général de l’Association Béninoise de Géographie April 12th, 2024 Les sciences…

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Proposer: Rasa Venclove  – Role or Function: Youth worker, head of the department April 5th, 2024 GeoKELIAS (GeoPATH) Description: An…

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Limoges la nuit : ballade géographique

Proposer: Isabella Tomassi and Marie Cherchelay  – Role or Function: PhD student and post doctoral researcher April 12th, 2024 Limoges…

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Fiume (Rijeka) Magyarország tengeri kijárata egykor és ma

Proposer: Dr. Bali Lóránt  – Role or Function: MATE egyetemi docens Fiume Barátai Egyesület, alelnök April 12th, 2024 Fiume (Rijeka)…

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Oltre lo sguardo. Il fascino della scoperta

Proposer: Sandra Leonardi e Riccardo Morri  – Role or Function: President of AIIG, university professor April 12th, 2024 Oltre lo…

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The geography of heat pump

Proposer: Buday Tamás  – Role or Function: senior lecturer April 12th, 2024 The geography of heat pump – A hőszivattyúzás…

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Practice Geography with GIS and viewers

Propone: IGN – Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España Idiomas: inglés y español 12 de abril de 2024 Analiza la dinámica…

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Climate changes in our town.

Proposer: Tina Franić prof. (1. gimnazija Split, Croatia)  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Climate changes in…

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La valorizzazione del territorio attraverso i media. Matera per le celebrazioni dei 70 anni dall’inizio delle trasmissioni televisive

Proposer: Argenzia Bonora  – Role or Function: Presidente Aiig Basilicata venerdì 5 aprile 2024 La valorizzazione del territorio attraverso i…

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Predstavitev knjige dr. Bogomile Kravos “Moj Trst” z razgledom na Tržaški zaliv ponoči

Proposer: Franc Malečkar  – Role or Function: nadzorni odbor Turističnega društva Hrvatini April 5th, 2024 Predstavitev knjige dr. Bogomile Kravos…

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Functional areas in Ukraine: vision for the future

Proposer: Viktor Chekhnii  – Role or Function: Committee Member, contact person of the conference April 12th, 2024 Functional areas in…

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Promoting Geography

Proposer: Ana Marinić  – Role or Function: Contact person April 12th, 2024 Promoting Geography Description: Teachers from lower and higher…

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Astronomical telescope presentation

Proposer: Dr. Gyenizse Péter  – Role or Function: associate professor April 5th, 2024 Astronomical telescope presentation Description: During an astronomical…

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Il multiculturalismo e gli strumenti per il dialogo interculturale a Catania

Il Multiculturalismo e gli strumenti per il dialogo interculturale a CataniaProposer: Grazia Arena e Maria Sorbello.  – Role or Function:…

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Economic Geography Quiz

Proposer: Szabó Katalin  – Role or Function: PhD-student April 5th, 2024 Economic Geography Quiz Description: Do you die for economic…

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That’s Hot! Oceani in rivolta

Proposer: Massimiliano Fantò (  – Role or Function: Studente PhD in Scienze Marine, Tecnologie e Gestion venerdì 12 aprile 2024…

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“Zaragoza desde las alturas”

Proposer: Ana Isabel Escalona  – Role or Function: Director of the Department of Geography Francisco Pellicer Corellano: Profesor titular de…

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Noč geografije – Delovne urice v Borovem gozdičku

Proposer: Neža Markočič  – Role or Function: učiteljica geografije April 5th, 2024 Noč geografije – Delovne urice v Borovem gozdičku…

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MapoFaktura 2024

Key facts / Najważniejsze informacje Date / Termin: Friday, April 5, 2024, 5.00 p.m. CET / Piątek, 5 kwietnia 2024,…

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An argument for the industrialization of the countryside? Local business tax in our cities and towns

Proposer: Molnár Ernő  – Role or Function: April 5th, 2024 An argument for the industrialization of the countryside? Local business…

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GeoNight 2021 Events map


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Implicacions geogràfiques del canvi climàtic a les Illes Balears

Proposer: Miquel Àngel Coll Ramis  – Role or Function: University professor April 5th, 2024 Implicacions geogràfiques del canvi climàtic a…

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Geonight in Grazute

Proposer: Leonas Sadauskas  – Role or Function: Administrator of Visitor’s Centre Gražute regional park April 12th, 2024 Geonight in Grazute…

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Kramtyk geografiją (Chew geography)

Proposer: Daiva Kruliauskienė  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Kramtyk geografiją (Chew geography) Description: There will be…

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Geo pub kviz

Proposer: Davor Relja  – Role or Function: teacher April 12th, 2024 Geo pub kviz Description: Geo pub kviz će sadržavati…

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Géonight Pangéo

Proposer: Etienne Leblanc  – Role or Function: Vice président en charge de la culture April 12th, 2024 Géonight Pangéo Description:…

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Proširena stvarnost i održivost

Proposer: Renata Cvetkoski  – Role or Function: Geography teacher mentor, coordinator April 12th, 2024 Proširena stvarnost i održivost Description: Ova…

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A Cross-Generational Dialogue: Embracing the Geographer Profession – Professionalism and Prospects in the Work Environment

Proposer: Dr. Edy Trihatmoko  – Role or Function: Event Coordinator of KAGEGAMA April 5th, 2024 A Cross-Generational Dialogue: Embracing the…

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Armonie per un mondo di pace

Proposer: Immacolata Pulicano  – Role or Function: Presidente dell’ Associazione Musicale Ars Nova Messina venerdì 12 aprile 2024 Armonie per…

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River-themed tabletop model / Folyóvizes terepasztal

Proposer: GEOINFORMATIKAI, TERMÉSZET- ÉS KÖRNYEZETFÖLDRAJZI TANSZÉK  – Role or Function: contact person April 12th, 2024 17.00, 17.40, 18.20 Tanszéki folyosó …

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Abitare il pianeta. Viaggio interdisciplinare nei luoghi e nel tempo: avventura educativa interattiva.

Proposer: Sabrina Malizia  – Role or Function: Vice-President for the School Sector of AIIG SICILIA Adele Maria Veste  – Gruppo…

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Geography Night’24

Proposer: Joana Mekšriūnienė  – Role or Function: Chair of the Šiauliai Geography Teachers’ Methodological Group April 12th, 2024 Geography Night’24…

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Raccontiamo il Mondo. Geografie, culture, immagini

Proposer: Alessandro Carassale  – Role or Function: Docente di geografia IIS Ruffini di Imperia; cultore della materia in geografia Università…

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photography contest on SDG11 with images on inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable spaces

Proposer: Sonia Ruiz Conesa  – Role or Function: April 5th, 2024 photography contest on SDG11 with images on inclusive, safe,…

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Geographical Quiz

Proposer: Dr. DUSEK László  – Role or Function: geographer, retired geography teacher April 5th, 2024 Geographical Quiz Description: The quiz…

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Roma population in the periphery – The situation of Eastern Hungary in the light of the latest data

Proposer: Pénzes János  – Role or Function: associate professor, geographer April 5th, 2024 Roma population in the periphery – The…

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Climate change and the city

Proposer: Szörényiné Kukorelli Irén  – Role or Function: geographer, professor emeritus April 5th, 2024 Climate change and the city Description:…

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Paskaita: Nuotoliniai Žemės tyrimai / A lecture: Earth Observation from Space

Proposer: Elzė Buslavičiūtė  – Role or Function: April 5th, 2024 Paskaita: Nuotoliniai Žemės tyrimai / A lecture: Earth Observation from…

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Bird observation event

Proposer: Muhammet ALTUNDAĞ  – Role or Function: Geography Teacher April 5th, 2024 Bird observation event Description: Mobile applications for bird…

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How to directly access your event page

Dear colleague, thank you for your GeoNight event proposal! Each event proposer can now directly manage his/her event page on the international…

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Tips and tricks for newcomers to the publishing process

Proposer: Hristina Prodanova  – Role or Function: Member of the BGS Executive team April 12th, 2024 Tips and tricks for…

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Parlaonica o eksploataciji nafte u Jadranskom moru (Discussion about oil exploitation in the Adriatic Sea)

Proposer: Davor Relja  – Role or Function: geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Parlaonica o eksploataciji nafte u Jadranskom moru (Discussion…

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Proposer: Ana Mesić  – Role or Function: Profesor u osnovnoj školi April 12th, 2024 Oblaci Description: Pokusi putem kojih će…

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L’Atlante del Cibo nel social network civico FirstLife

Proposer: Alessia Toldo  – Role or Function: Researcher April 12th, 2024 L’Atlante del Cibo nel social network civico FirstLife Description:…

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Quiz „Geo night“ in Veisiejai regional park

Proposer: Directorate of Dzūkija-Suvalkija protected area (group of  Veisiejai regional park)  – Role or Function: Visitor center April 12th, 2024…

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Mapping for Sustainable Development Goals

Proposer: Jimerveille THIERRY-NGOUAMA  – Role or Function: YouthMappers Regional Ambassador April 5th, 2024 Mapping for Sustainable Development Goals Description: The…

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Saharyjskimi piaskami Mauretanii – Geopraktyki w Afryce (en. The Saharan sands of Mauritania – Geopractices in Africa)

April 5th, 2024 Saharyjskimi piaskami Mauretanii – Geopraktyki w Afryce (en. The Saharan sands of Mauritania – Geopractices in Africa)…

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Light pollution

Proposer: Anita Mustać  – Role or Function: Biology teacher April 12th, 2024 Light pollution Description: Učenici će promatrati utjecaj lampi…

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Po pasaulį knygos puslapiais

Proposer: Lolita Saliene  – Role or Function: librarian April 5th, 2024 Po pasaulį knygos puslapiais Description: Exhibition of books about…

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Proposer: Vytaras Radzevičius  – Role or Function: President of the Lithuanian geographical society April 12th, 2024 GEOGRAFINĖ VIRTUVĖ: VALGOMA NEVALGOMA…

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Geo Pubkviz

Proposer: Antonio Vrbatović  – Role or Function: nastavnik geografije April 12th, 2024 Geo Pubkviz Description: Učenici će sastaviti pitanja za…

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Geografinė dėlionė

Proposer: Drimantė Puleikienė  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Geografinė dėlionė Description: Kahoot!, Discussion, games   Objectives:…

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Society and the Rural Environment: Geography through a Photography

Proposer: Francisco Javier Rodríguez-Segura; Javier Liñán-Chacón; Jonatan Arias-García  – Role or Function: University Lecturer April 5th, 2024 Society and the…

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Piccoli geografi alla scoperta del proprio territorio: i tesori di Tremestieri Etneo

Proposer: ANNA MARIA GAZZANA  – Role or Function: Docente Scuola Primaria venerdì 12 aprile 2024 Piccoli geografi alla scoperta del…

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Visit to the Radiocarbon Laboratory / Radiokarbon labor látogatás

Proposer: GEOINFORMATIKAI, TERMÉSZET- ÉS KÖRNYEZETFÖLDRAJZI TANSZÉK  – Role or Function: contact person April 12th, 2024 17.00, 17.40, 18.20  Visit to…

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Il fiume Verrino e i suoi abitanti. Esercizi di deep mapping

Proposer: Marco Petrella  – Role or Function: Professore Associato Unimol, Presidente AIIG Molise venerdì 12 aprile 2024 Il fiume Verrino…

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Workshop: Crafting a “Deko-Boko” landform model of the underground valley of downtown Tokyo and some mountains

Proposer: yuichi hayakawa  – Role or Function: university assoc. professor March 20th, 2024 Workshop: Crafting a “Deko-Boko” landform model of…

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I sfumaturi ri Catania

Proposer: Teresa Scacciante  – Role or Function: Class Coordinator 4F IIS Marconi-Mangano April 12th, 2024 I sfumaturi ri Catania Description:…

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Physics and informatics in geography

Proposer: Dr. Olti Ferenc  – Role or Function: April 5th, 2024 Physics and informatics in geography Description: Presentation of the…

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GeoNight 2024 events

This is a map of the 2024 GeoNight events. Please zoom in on the area that interests you: at a…

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Los retos del reto demográfico en Cantabria. Despoblación e incendios forestales en clave geográfica.

Charla propuesta por: Olga De Cos Guerra y Virginia Carracedo Martín. Profesoras de la Universidad de Cantabria. Departamento de Geografía,…

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Energy Sustainbility in Urban Enviroments

Proposer: Ružica Lončar  – Role or Function: high school Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Energy Sustainbility in Urban Enviroments Description:…

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Erasmus, most mezi studentskými léty a startem kariéry

Proposer: Vít Volný  – Role or Function: Board member for Youth Czech Geography Association April 12th, 2024 Erasmus, most mezi…

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Razglasitev Bohinčeve nagrade Zveze geografov Slovenije za najboljšo raziskovalno nalogo s področja geografije, njena predstavitev ter predstavitev nagrajenih raziskovalnih nalog srednješolcev in osnovnošolcev.

Proposer: Aleš Smrekar  – Role or Function: predsednik Zveze geografov Slovenije April 5th, 2024 Razglasitev Bohinčeve nagrade Zveze geografov Slovenije…

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Geografi per un giorno

Proposer: Paola Tartaglione  – Role or Function: Docente di Geografia Turistica April 12th, 2024 Geografi per un giorno Description: Gli…

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StoryMaps alati u korelaciji Geografije i predmeta struke

Proposer: Ivana Prezzi  – Role or Function: Teacher April 12th, 2024 StoryMaps alati u korelaciji Geografije i predmeta struke Description:…

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Carte e scarti. A tavola con la geografia.

Proposer: lucia simonetti  – Role or Function: Docente universitaria venerdì 12 aprile 2024 Carte e scarti. A tavola con la…

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Večerni kolesarsko-geografski izlet po Ljubljani

Proposer: Blaž Repe  – Role or Function: Sodelujejo pri izvedbi: Nela Halilović (IPOP), Lea Rikato Ružič (Ljubljanska kolesarska mreža), Tadej…

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Geo quiz and science experiments

Proposer: Sanja Ivanovic and Ivana Skocic  – Role or Function: Geography and Biology teachers April 12th, 2024 Geo quiz and…

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Unito e l’Africa: Dialoghi e mappatura delle esperienze di ricerca universitaria.

Proposer: Cristina Viano  – Role or Function: Assegnista di ricerca venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Unito e l’Africa: Dialoghi e mappatura…

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Nuit de la Géo

Proposer: Alexandre Balet  – Role or Function: Conseiller pédagogique | Pedagogical Advisor April 5th, 2024 Nuit de la Géo Description:…

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Geografija za sve

Proposer: Marija Ros Kozarić  – Role or Function: geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Geografija za sve Description: We would like…

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Getting to know the lives of Hungarian travelers and explorers

Proposer: Horváth Gergely  – Role or Function: college professor April 5th, 2024 Getting to know the lives of Hungarian travelers…

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GeoNight 2024 all’IIS “Verona Trento-Majorana” (ME) – Nel mio mondo…il Mondo!

Proposer: Stefania La Malfa e Alessandra Spavara   Role or Function: Docente di Geografia “IIS Verona Trento- Majorana” -Messina venerdì 12…

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India, the giant dwarf – the different faces of the country’s social geography

Proposer: Dr. Wilhelm Zoltán, Szabó Attila  – Role or Function: associate professor, managing expert – event organizer April 5th, 2024…

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Virtual Field Trips

Proposer: Maria Pigaki  – Role or Function: President of Hellenic Geographical Society April 5th, 2024 Virtual Field Trips Description: Digital…

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Geografija okoli nas

Proposer: Maja Hadner  – Role or Function: asistentka April 5th, 2024 Geografija okoli nas Geography around us Description: Na dogodku,…

On routes to the Indies
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Sulle rotte per le Indie. Gli italiani e il racconto della scoperta degli altri mondi / On routes to the Indies. Italians and the story of the discovery of other worlds

Proposer: Annalisa D’Ascenzo  – Role or Function: Docente universitaria Venerdì 12 aprile 2024, ore 9.30-13.00 Sulle rotte per le…

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About GeoNight

La Nuit de la Géographie / GeoNight In 2017, the French National Geographical Committee (CNFG) initiated the first « Nuit…

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GeoNight at Gižai

Proposer: Jūratė Žilinskienė  – Role or Function: Teacher April 12th, 2024 GeoNight at Gižai Description: GeoNight at Gižai will be…

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The changing Universe

Proposer: Dr. Nagyváradi László  – Role or Function: associate professor April 5th, 2024 The changing Universe Description: Digital projection with…

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Navigating water challenges in Europe

Proposer: Mitchell Clarke  – Role or Function: Event Manager April 12th, 2024 Navigating water challenges in Europe Description: Join us…

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Proposer: Rita Mattone  – Role or Function: Class coordinator 4°C April 12th, 2024 Green-(IT)² Description: A project Green-IT that presents…

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Conferenza annuale AISAC “Africa e Cina: metodi, attori e geopolitica nel quotidiano”

Proposer: Mariasole Pepa  – Role or Function: Vice-Presidentessa Associazione Italiana di Studi Africa-Cina (AISAC) e assegnista di ricerca Dissgea, Università…

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Pažink Ignaliną ir jos geografus – Get to Know Ignalina and Its Geographers

Proposer: Ignalina District Tourism Information Center Date of the event: April 12th, 2024 Pažink Ignaliną ir jos geografus – Get…

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Il Multiverso per la narrazione dei territori. Cambiamenti, genere, migrazioni

Proposer: Luisa Carbone  – Role or Function: university professor April 12th, 2024 Il Multiverso per la narrazione dei territori. Cambiamenti,…

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Enchanting Cartography / Varázslatos kartográfia

Proposer: Katinka Tóbiás – Ramóna Vámos  – Role or Function: organisers April 12th, 2024 Enchanting Cartography / Varázslatos kartográfia Description:…

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Crossing the Andes

Proposer: Szörényiné Kukorelli Irén  – Role or Function: geographer, professor emeritus April 5th, 2024 Crossing the Andes Description: Trip report,…

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Gyertyafényes földrajz / Geography at candlelight

Proposer: Dr. Zsolt Győző Török  – Role or Function: Professor April 12th, 2024 Gyertyafényes földrajz / Geography at candlelight Description:…

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Propose an event (form in Croatian language)


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GeoNight 2021 Events map –


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Bovška krajina nekoč in danes. Kako omejiti zaraščanje

Proposer: dr. Jurij Kunaver  – Role or Function: April 5th, 2024 Bovška krajina nekoč in danes. Kako omejiti zaraščanje The…

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Prva Noč geografije v Posavju

Proposer: Nejc Pozvek  – Role or Function: Nejc Pozvek (Fakulteta za turizem Univerze v Mariboru) in Boštjan Špiler (Gimnazija Brežice)…

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GeoNight 2021 Global Map

[The map you see here is about the 2019 edition. Click for more info] when all the proposed events are…

najavni plakat
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Proposer: Ivana Jurica  – Role or Function: Teacher of Geography April 12th, 2024 Kilimanjaro Description: The guest of Geography Night…

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Dobrovoľníctvo v Portugalsku

Proposer: Vít Volný  – Role or Function: Czech Geography Association Board member for Youth April 12th, 2024 Dobrovoľníctvo v Portugalsku…

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Artificial Intelligence from a Geographic Perspective: Future Challenges

April 12th, 2024 Artificial Intelligence from a Geographic Perspective: Future Challenges This year the Eramus Mundus Joint Master on Climate…

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Visita guiada a la exposición “ El mundo en un dos de oros”

Propone: Servicio de Documentación Geográfica y Biblioteca April 5th, 2024 (a las 11:30) Visita guiada a la exposición “ El…

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Sustainable Development in Saudi Arabia

Proposer: ALI ALDOSARI  – Role or Function: President of Saudi Geographical Society April 12th, 2024 Sustainable Development in Saudi Arabia…

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Amazing Maps – Mapas sorprendentes

Proposer: Miguel PAZOS-OTON  – Role or Function: Senior Lecturer in Geography – Dpt of Geography – University of Santiago de…

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How can I propose an event for GeoNight?

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Popołudnie powtórkowe z geografii w IGiGP UJ dla maturzystów

Proposer: Justyna Liro, Aneta Pawłowska-Legwand  – Role or Function: organizers, assistant professors April 5th, 2024 Popołudnie powtórkowe z geografii w…

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Dating with Optical luminescence / Kormeghatározás fénnyel

Proposer: GEOINFORMATIKAI, TERMÉSZET- ÉS KÖRNYEZETFÖLDRAJZI TANSZÉK  – Role or Function: April 12th, 2024 – 17.00, 17.40, 18.20 OSL labor Dating…

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Le Tour de France des terroirs

Proposer: Marie Pendanx  – Role or Function: Enseignante en Géographie à l’Université de La Rochelle April 5th, 2024 Le Tour…

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Reading about sustainability

Proposer: Gabriela Adina Morosanu  – Role or Function: Co-chair of the IGU YECG GEOSUS working group April 12th, 2024 Earthbound…

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“Geografijos fiesta”

Proposer: Aušrinė Živaitienė  – Role or Function: geography teacher April 12th, 2024 “Geografijos fiesta” Description: Protmūšis, naktišokiai, filmo peržiūra ,…

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Viewing this website from…

2024 edition People are viewing this site from (snapshot taken on March 09, 19.20 CET; data 8 feb 2024 –…

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Madagascar – GeoNight, April 5th, 2024

Proposer : Association “Union des Géographes de Madagascar” April 5th, 2024 « Nuit blanche pour l’or blanc : la queue…

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Morski odpadki in Jadransko morje – od slovenske obale do Otrantskih vrat

Proposer: Marijan Denša  – Role or Function: načelnik odseka za varstvo narave April 5th, 2024 Morski odpadki in Jadransko morje…

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Geografijos paieškos mieste

Proposer: Violeta Krikščiūnienė  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 5th, 2024 Geografijos paieškos mieste Description: Pupils of the progymnasium…

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Shining the geographical light across the night sky

Proposer: Felix Kwabena Donkor  – Role or Function: University lecturer April 12th, 2024 Shining the geographical light across the night…

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Viewing this website from…

People are viewing this site from (snapshot taken on February 27 2021, 15.00 CET)   People are viewing this site…

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The International Science Council includes GeoNight among the events listed on its website

The International Science Council,  a non-governmental organization that brings together more than 245 international scientific Unions and Associations, national and…

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un ‘mare’ al cENtro

Proposer: Paolo D’Angelo  – Role or Function: venerdì 12 aprile 2024 un ‘mare’ al cENtro a ‘sea’ in the cENter…

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Propose an event for the 2022 GeoNight Edition


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Social Innovations and Digital Education for Community-based Tourism Development in Lithuania

Proposer: Assoc. prof. dr. Eduardas Spiriajevas  – Role or Function: University professor April 12th, 2024 Social Innovations and Digital Education…

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Proposer: Anita Čipak  – Role or Function: Contact person April 5th, 2024 Astrophotography Description: GeoNight by EGEA Zadar offers a…

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Proposer: Ambra Gaetana  – Role or Function: Componente Direttivo UNITRE Taormina venerdì 5 aprile 2024 IL MIO MONDO NEL MONDO:…

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Table-ronde virtuelle : cartographie et jeux-vidéo

Proposer: Louis Dall’aglio  – Role or Function: PHD student   5 Avril 2024, 21h April 5th, 2024, 9pm Table-ronde virtuelle…

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Sguardi dall’alto su Ambienti Territori e Paesaggi: aerofoto, telerilevamento e comprensione geografica

Proposer: Gianluca Casagrande  – Role or Function: Member April 12th, 2024 Sguardi dall’alto su Ambienti Territori e Paesaggi: aerofoto, telerilevamento…

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Constructing and geography – friends or foes?

Proposer: Doris Žibert  – Role or Function: geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Constructing and geography – friends or foes? Description:…

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Proud of Geography

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MONASTERO SULL’ACQUA: i suoni che raccontano. Experential self sightseeing nell’ex Monastero degli Olivetani, Lecce

Proponente: Antonella Rinella – Ruolo o Funzione: Docente universitario   venerdì 5 aprile 2024 MONASTERO SULL’ACQUA: i suoni che raccontano….

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Glimpses into the Modena disused railways. The Modena Rubiera railway track – SGUARDI SULLE FERROVIE DISMESSE MODENESI. IL TRACCIATO MODENA RUBIERA

The EUROPEAN NIGHT OF GEOGRAPHY is an opportunity to present to the city of Modena the project “Glimpses into the…

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Flags talk

zastave_GeoNight Matija Kuštek  – Role or Function: teacher April 12th, 2024 Flags talk Description: Students will learn interesting facts about…

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GeoNight u OS Duro Ester

Proposer: Mirna Kovacic  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 GeoNight u OS Duro Ester Description: GeoNight u…

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Propose an event (form in French language)


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La notte noir della geografia

Proposer: Sara Bonati  – Role or Function: President of AIIG Brescia April 12th, 2024 La notte noir della geografia Description:…

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Geonight 2024 | Togo

Proposer: Emmanuel Youma ZOUBINNABA  – Role or Function: Contact person April 12th, 2024 Geonight 2024 | Togo Description: OpenStreetMap (OSM)…

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Chi abiterà l’Italia dopo di noi?

Proposer: Paolo Molinari  – Role or Function: Presidente AIIG (Associazione Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia) sezione Lombardia venerdì 5 aprile 2024…

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a greeting from the organizers

Unfortunately this screenshot photographed only part of the organizers, but a greeting and a thank you to all of them!…

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One evening on the bank of the Ferenc channel

Proposer: Kisszabó István Zoltán  – Role or Function: science teacher April 12th, 2024 One evening on the bank of the…

Muzeul Hartilor, traseu urban, tur ghidat, noaptea geografiei
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Guided tour in Bucharest

Proposer: National Museum of Maps and Old Books April 12th, 2024 Guided tour in Bucharest by Cezar Buterez (geographical magician)…

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Geografski večer v Zelencih

Proposer: Petra Berčič Oman  – Role or Function: Učiteljica na OŠ Josipa Vandota Kranjska Gora April 5th, 2024 Geografski večer…

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Career in Geography

Proposer: Ajay Kumar  – Role or Function: Secretary General, Bansur College April 12th, 2024 Career in Geography Description: Creating awareness…

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Penser les centres-villes anciens dégradés, le cas de Villeneuve-Saint-Georges.

Proposer: Noé TAREL  – Role or Function: Étudiant en urbanisme Magistère Aménagement Paris 1 April 5th, 2024 Penser les centres-villes…

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The wonders of the digital planetarium

Proposer: Pusztai-Eredics Alexandra  – Role or Function: assistant lecturer, head of the Kövesligethy Radó Csillagvizsgáló és Planetárium April 12th, 2024…

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Water at twilight: a journey through hydraulic infrastructures in Lleida

Proposer: Quim Bonastra  – Role or Function: University Professor April 5th, 2024 Water at twilight: a journey through hydraulic infrastructures…

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Geovagando con il quartiere

Proposer: Daniele Paragano, Marxiano Melotti, Giulia Vincenti, Vincenzo Mini, Tiziano Gasbarro  – Role or Function: Docente Universitario venerdì 12 aprile…

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Bennünk rejlő földrajz / The Geography Within Us

Proposer: Dr. Kádár Anett  – Role or Function: organiser April 12th, 2024 18:00-21:00 Room No. 1319 Bennünk rejlő földrajz /…

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Cartographier les transitions

5 Avril 2024, 18h30 April 5th, 2024, 18.30 pm Conférences : Cartographier les transitions  Comment représenter les territoires en transition…

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Vingiuotais pamario takais

Proposer: Kornelija Dambrauskienė  – Role or Function: Ecologist April 12th, 2024 Vingiuotais pamario takais Description: A hike along the Curonian…

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IX Wieczór z geografią przed maturą / 9th Evening with Geography before the Matura Exam

[ENG below] Zapraszamy serdecznie tegorocznych i przyszłych maturzystów na otwarte wykłady obejmujące wybrane treści z zakresu rozszerzonego podstawy programowej geografii…

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“Ambiente, territorio e paesaggi nelle Collezioni della Società Geografica Italiana: conservazione, valorizzazione, sostenibilità”

Proposer: Rossella Belluso  – Role or Function: Segretaria generale della Società Geografica Italiana venerdì 12 aprile 2024 “Ambiente, territorio e…

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Treasure hunt in the university yard

Proposer: Dr. Kiss-Geosits Beatrix  – Role or Function: associate professor April 12th, 2024 Treasure hunt in the university yard Description:…

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La complicata gestione della risorsa idrica: l’esempio dell’Acquedotto Carolino

Proposer: Giovanni Mauro  – Role or Function: Docente universitario venerdì 12 aprile 2024 La complicata gestione della risorsa idrica: l’esempio…

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Rutas por la provincia de Alicante

Proposer: Pablo Giménez Font  – Role or Function: University professor April 12th, 2024 Rutas por la provincia de Alicante Description:…

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Schizzi d’acqua

Proposer: Gaetano Sabato; Leonardo Mercatanti  – Role or Function: Gaetano Sabato, Presidente della Sezione Provinciale di Palermo AIIG; Leonardo Mercatanti,…

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Visita online guiada a los cráteres de la erupción de 2021 en la isla de La Palma

  A cargo de: Stavros Meletlidis y Rubén López, miembros del grupo de vigilancia volcánica del IGN Propone: IGN –…

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Po poteh srednjeveškega Maribora – Raziskovalni sprehod z dijaki v sklopu Noči geografije

Proposer: Danijel Davidovič, Nina Simonič  – Role or Function: predsednik, podpredsednica Geografskega društva Maribor April 5th, 2024 Po poteh srednjeveškega…

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Inseguire una stella. Geonavigazioni sulle rotte del mondo

Proposer: Sara Bin  – Role or Function: Presidente AIIG Veneto venerdì 12 aprile 2024 Inseguire una stella. Geonavigazioni sulle rotte…

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Virtual geographical bridge from Vilnius to Kiev

Proposer: Genovaite Kyne  – Role or Function: Member of the Board of the Lithuanian Geographical Society April 12th, 2024 Virtual…

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Geográfus morzsák utazás közben – Képes villanások

Proposer: Dr. Donka Attila  – Role or Function: egyetemi adjunktus April 5th, 2024 Geográfus morzsák utazás közben – Képes villanások…

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Geography = …

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Energetski prehod v Svibnem in nočni pohod

                    Organizator: Vane Urh, član Zavoda Svibna – regijski zavod za…

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Paesaggi disegnati. Albi illustrati per leggere il paesaggio

Il 5 aprile 2024 presso il Museo di Geografia dell’Università di Padova (via del Santo, 26) si terrà un seminario…

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Cantare i luoghi. Viaggio geografico nelle città attraverso la canzone d’autore

Proposer: Alessandro Turcato / Angelo Besana  – Role or Function: Presidente A.I.I.G. sez. Trentino-A.A. / ricercatore Università di Trento venerdì…

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Il mio mondo nel Mondo

Proposer: Stefania La Malfa  Role or Function: Presidente AIIG (Associazione Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia) Sezione Provinciale Messina   venerdì 12…

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Nemirna Zemlja

Proposer: Petra Sekulić, Monika Puhalović  – Role or Function: teacher April 12th, 2024 Nemirna Zemlja  Description: The students will make…

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“Explore the world/ Poznaj świat”

Proposer: Agnieszka Strzelecka  – Role or Function: Researcher, University of Szczecin April 12th, 2024 “Explore the world/ Poznaj świat” Description:…

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Participatory processes and rural heritage

Proposer: Camilla Giantomasso  – Role or Function: Research fellow April 12th, 2024 Participatory processes and rural heritage Description: Rural heritage…

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Geografijos naktis Natura 2000 teritorijoje

Proposer: Gintarė Untanaitė  – Role or Function: ASTD Sirvėtos regioninio parko grupės lankytojų centro administratorė April 5th, 2024 Geografijos naktis…

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Nuovi scenari per l’agricoltura.

    Proposer: Prof. Carlo PONGETTI – Role or Function: Professore ordinario / Presidente AIIG – sez. Marche    …

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S klikom po sledeh poledenitve na stičišču Alp in Dinaridov

Proposer: Petra Gostinčar, Manja Žebre  – Role or Function: znanstveni sodelavki na Geološkem zavodu Slovenije April 5th, 2024 S klikom…

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Cultural heritage of Zadar

Proposer: Zrinka Klarin  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Cultural heritage of Zadar Description: Radionica o kulturnoj…

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GNSS Workshop: Principles and Practical Training

Proposer: Masoud Minaei  – Role or Function: Associate Professor – IGU Commission on Geographical Information Science, steering committee member April…

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See you in Tornadoes Alley!

Proposer: Simona Stasiuniene  – Role or Function: Laboratory assistent of Panevezys Education Center subdivision Panevezys regional STEAM open access center…

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  A cargo de: Rubén López, miembro del grupo de vigilancia volcánica del IGN Propone: IGN – Instituto Geográfico Nacional…

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Proposer: Stefania Cerutti  – Role or Function: University Professor April 5th, 2024 “AUGMENTED VISION” FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE. Shapes, Ideas, Things,…

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New Geography Challenges – How Geography Science and Education Adapt to a Constantly Changing World?

Proposer: Prof. Dr. Georgi Zhelezov  – Role or Function: Head of Department “Geography”, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography…

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La città autistica

Proposer: Egidio Dansero  – Role or Function: Professor April 12th, 2024 La città autistica Conversazioni attorno al libro La Città…

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Clouds and solar radiation

Proposer: Ivica Štrbac  – Role or Function: School teacher April 12th, 2024 Clouds and solar radiation Description: This project arose…

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Miskolc by night

Proposer: Siskáné Dr. Szilasi Beáta  – Role or Function: Associate professor; Head of Department of Human Geography April 5th, 2024…

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Passeggiata decoloniale nel rione Palestro

Proposer: Sara Bin  – Role or Function: Presidente Ass. Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia (regione Veneto) April 5th, 2024 Passeggiata decoloniale…

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Il cibo come arma. Geopolitica delle risorse alimentari

Scarica la locandina / scarica il volantino Prenotazione al link Proponenti: Simone Bozzato; Giovanna Giulia Zavettieri – Ruolo o funzione:…

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Zastave svijeta

Proposer: Nevenka Pokos  – Role or Function: učitelj Geografije April 12th, 2024 Zastave svijeta Description: Zastave svijeta Zastava je identifikacijski…

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Practice Geography with the Didactic Atlas of IGN

Propone: IGN – Instituto Geográfico Nacional de España Idiomas: inglés y español 12 de abril de 2024 Actividad del «Atlas…

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Altre migrazioni: passeggiata nel parco dell’Appia Antica

venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Other Migrations: a guided tour in the Appia Antica park Riscoprire alcune aree verdi  e il…

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South Australia’ s remarkable trove of geographical treasures

Proposer: Frances Gnodtke  – Role or Function: April 12th, 2024 The Royal Geographical Society of South Australia’ s remarkable trove…

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In Natural Waters

Proposer: Monika Lehőcz  – Role or Function: President of the association April 5th, 2024 In Natural Waters Description: In four…

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Il paesaggio nascosto del Parco del Peralto (Genova)

Proposer: Lorenzo Brocada  – Role or Function: Presidente della Sezione Genova-Savona AIIG April 5th, 2024 Il paesaggio nascosto del Parco…

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Lázár kollokvium – térképek használói és készítői ma

April 5th, 2024 Lázár kollokvium – térképek használói és készítői ma Az esemény rövid leírása: A kollokviumon két rövid (~20…

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3a. Noche Mexicana de Geografía, Naturaleza y Sociedad

Proposer: Glenda Nelly Requena Lara  – Role or Function: university professor April 12th, 2024 3a. Noche Mexicana de Geografía, Naturaleza…

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Il potere della geografia: uno sguardo critico sul mondo

Proposers: Valeria Raimondi (assegnista), Anna Khorlachenkov (dottoranda), Valerio Salvini (dottorando) venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Il potere della geografia: uno sguardo…

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Everyday (and night) geographies

Proposer: Alan Parkinson  – Role or Function: Teacher, Geographer, Former Geographical Association President. April 12th, 2024 Everyday (and night) geographies…

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Proposer: Dr. Swarnima Singh  – Role or Function: University Professor (Assistant) April 12th, 2024 GEOGRAPHY FOR FUTURE EARTH: COUPLED HUMAN-EARTH…

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Razstava likovnih izdelkov z geografsko tematiko

Proposer: Sebina Duraković  – Role or Function: učiteljica GEO in DKE April 5th, 2024 Razstava likovnih izdelkov z geografsko tematiko…

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Geo-narrazioni del paesaggio eoliano: l’isola di Salina tra natura e cultura

Proposer: Sonia Gambino- Giovanni Messina  – Role or Function: PROF.ASSOCIATO; RTD-B venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Geo-narrazioni del paesaggio eoliano: l’isola…

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Demográfiai, turisztikai és környezetföldtani esettanulmányok Kárpátalján

Proposer: Gönczy Sándor  – Role or Function: főiskolai docens April 12th, 2024 Demográfiai, turisztikai és környezetföldtani esettanulmányok Kárpátalján Description: Földrajzi…

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La geografía como herramienta de construcción de un país

Proposer: Melgris José Becerra  – Role or Function: Coordinador Grupo de Trabajo sobre Asuntos Geográficos April 12th, 2024 La geografía…

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UniCarTo 2024: mappare la città di Torino con il punto di vista degli studenti universitari

Proposer: Luca Battisti  – Role or Function: Docente a contratto venerdì 12 aprile 2024 UniCarTo 2024: mappare la città di…

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A magyarországi kisüzemi sörgyártás földrajza

Proposer: Kovács Dávid  – Role or Function: April 5th, 2024 A magyarországi kisüzemi sörgyártás földrajza Description: Az előadásban a magyarországi…

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Gödöllő from the sky

Proposer: Guba András  – Role or Function: geography teacher April 12th, 2024 18:00-24:00 Gödöllő a levegőből / Gödöllő from the…

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Geonight in progress

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Landscapes and people through the traveler’s eyes, with a projected experience report

Proposer: Sallai Róbert Benedek  – Role or Function: science teacher, geographer April 5th, 2024 Landscapes and people through the traveler’s…

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Proposer: Elisa Consolandi  – Role or Function: Assegnista di ricerca presso Università degli Studi di Bergamo venerdì 12 aprile 2024…

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La geopolitica popolare: cinema, cartoni animati, riviste, fumetti, vignette e social media

NB: evento annullato  Proposer: Simona Epasto  – Role or Function: Docente Universitario venerdì 12 aprile 2024 La geopolitica popolare: cinema,…

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  Proposers: Elena dell’Agnese  – Role or Function: Full professor Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, President AGeI – Associazione Geografe…

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Night trip round the lake in silence to honour Česlovas Kudaba

Proposer: Jolanta Dasytė  – Role or Function: Deputy for education April 12th, 2024 Night trip round Paplavinis lake in silence…

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Passeggiata fra gli ulivi risultati positivi a Xylella sopravvissuti agli abbattimenti.

Proposer: Margherita Ciervo  – Role or Function: Professore Associato di Geografia economico-politica presso il Dipartimento di Economia, Management e Territorio…

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Proposer: Ascensión Padilla Blanco  – Role or Function: university professor April 5th, 2024 WOMEN GEOGRAPHERS AND SCIENCE. GEÓGRAFAS Y CIENCIA…

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Proposer: Laura Canale  – Role or Function: Presidente/organizzatrice festival delle geografie nona edizione a Levanto venerdì 12 aprile 2024 FESTIVAL…

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“Tradizioni, desideri,emozioni…!” Geonight 2024 Istituto Comprensivo “Pace del Mela”

Proposer: Fiorentino Grazia  – Role or Function: Docente Scuola Primaria socia e vicepresidente AIIG sezione Messina venerdì 12 aprile 2024…

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The genious-geographic location of Kisújszállás – from a small town to the Nobel Prize

Proposer: Dr. habil Kovács Tibor  – Role or Function: April 5th, 2024 The genious-geographic location of Kisújszállás – from a…

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Un manuale per le future “sentinelle del mare”

Proposer: Donatella Carboni; Sonia Malvica  – Role or Function: Docente universitario (Università di Sassari) venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Un manuale…

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Zabavna geografija

Proposer: Stjepan Radić i Lucija Vuger  – Role or Function: professors April 12th, 2024 Zabavna geografija     Description: Kroz razne…

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GeoNight 2022 – Events map

Please note that sometimes two or more event pinpoints are overlapping (where we’ve had only the city, or the same…

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Izrada hipsometrijskih modela

Proposer: Mamut, Dinko Marin i Ivana Maruna  – Role or Function: Sveučilišna profesorica, učitelji u osnovnojškoli April 12th, 2024…

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VDU UKG geografijos naktis 2024

Proposer: Aistė Vilimė  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 VDU UKG geografijos naktis 2024 “IRKLAIS PER GEOGRAFIJĄ”…

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Il Metaverso per la narrazione dei territori. Spazi urbani tra trasformazioni e permanenze

Proposer: Daniela La Foresta  – Role or Function: University professor April 12th, 2024 Il Metaverso per la narrazione dei territori….

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Sensors vs. Senses : mapping the sensitive campus

Proposer: SIVDBI (Fériel Goulamhoussen, Lou Hamonic, Tasnîme Louartani, Lisa Taïeb, Ophélie Templier) & cocarto April 12th, 2024 Université Gustave Eiffel…

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GeoNight 2024 online events schedule (April 12th)

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Geo Night

Proposer: Lidija Ivon  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Geo Night Description: Event is about astrophotography, with…

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Játékos térképes kincskereső Zala megyében Virtuális felfedező túra online (

Proposer: Úr Zoltán / Horogh Roland  – Role or Function: english/geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Játékos térképes kincskereső Zala megyében…

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Philharmonic Geography: Music, culture and territories. Geografía filarmónica: Música, cultura y territorios.

23 de Agosto, 2024 Geografía filarmónica: Música, cultura y territorios. Los paisajes se pueden apreciar mejor con una “banda sonora”….

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Join us!

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GeoSpark Tanzania

Proposer: Erick Tamba Mnyali  – Role or Function: Organization Director April 5th, 2024 GeoSpark Tanzania Description: GeoSpark_Tanzania is a night-long…

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Propose an event (form in Italian language)


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Here you can find the past editions websites (click on the banner) GeoNight 2023 website GeoNight 2022 websiteGeoNight 2021 website…

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Sajtból van a HOLD, avagy a magyar sajtok földrajzos szemmel – The MOON is made of cheese, or Hungarian cheeses with a geographical eye

Proposer: Dr. Kovács Gyöngyi  – Role or Function: senior lecturer April 5th, 2024   Sajtból van a HOLD, avagy a…

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Propose an event (form in Slovenian language)


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Naktinis Žygis

Proposer: Jonas Vilkaitis  – Role or Function: Local activities coordinator April 5th, 2024 Naktinis Žygis Description: A hike during the…

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A Slide Presentation on Tajikistan: Our Researchers’ Expedition/ Diavetítéses előadás Tádzsikisztánról, kutatóink expedíciója

Proposer: Dr. György Sipos  – Role or Function: presenter, organiser April 12th, 2024 A Slide Presentation on Tajikistan: Our Researchers’…

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Propose an event for the 2024 GeoNight Edition

⇓⇓⇓Scroll⇓⇓⇓ this page for the ⇓⇓⇓webform⇓⇓⇓ to propose an event. Please note that the entry of the proposal may contain…

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35 years of Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar

Proposer: Ana Pejdo, Jadranka Brkić-Vejmelka  – Role or Function: secretary, Croatian Geographical Society – Zadar, president, Croatian Geographical Society –…

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Diákok-Szülők Éjszakája (Zöld Közösség Program)

Proposer: Petrilla Csaba  – Role or Function: geography teacher April 5th, 2024 Diákok-Szülők Éjszakája (Zöld Közösség Program) Description: Kiállítás diákrajzokból…

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Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kandilli Rasathanesi Gezisi

Proposer: Hatice EFE  – Role or Function: Coğrafya Öğretmeni April 5th, 2024 Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kandilli Rasathanesi Gezisi Description: Boğaziçi Üniversitesi…

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Slavikai eldership through geographical glasses

Proposer: Julius Mačiulaitis  – Role or Function: Student April 12th, 2024 Slavikai eldership through geographical glasses Description: The event will…

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Upoznaj svoj grad

Proposer: Blanka Krnić  – Role or Function: Teacher of geography April 12th, 2024 Upoznaj svoj grad Description: Šetnjom po gradu…

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Južna Indija in Butan / South India and Bhutan

Proposer: Stanko Pelc  – Role or Function: University professor April 5th, 2024 Južna Indija  in Butan Stanko Pelc and Bharath…

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Sustainable city

Proposer: Tihana Modrić  – Role or Function: Teacher April 12th, 2024 Sustainable city Description: 6th grade students will present 3D…

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Bicycle tour from Hajdúböszörmény to the Vackor educational trail near Hajdúhadház

Előterjesztő: Kovács Anikó Csilla: könyvtárostanár 2024. április 11. Kerékpártúra Hajdúböszörményből a Hajdúhadház melletti Vackor tanösvényhez Leírás: 2024. 04. 11-én 12:00…

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Evening tour to Geri Hill, the highest point of Nyíregyháza. (5 km)

Proposer: Bácskainé Dr. Pristyák Erika  – Role or Function: geography teacher April 5th, 2024 Evening tour to Geri Hill, the…

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TechLab – Dal banco di lavoro al cielo: l’assemblaggio di un drone FPV opensource

TechLab – Dal banco di lavoro al cielo: l’assemblaggio di un drone FPV opensource April 12th, 2024 | 21.00 –…

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Around the world in 60 minutes

GeoNight from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia on Friday 12 April 2024 Around the world in 60 minutes Description: ‘Around…

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Klaipėda: jūra- miestas-uostas. Ką gali papasakoti nuotrauka?.Klaipėda: sea-city-port. What can the photo tell you?

Proposer: Daiva Verkulevičiūtė-Kriukienė  – Role or Function: University teacher April 12th, 2024 Klaipėda: jūra-miestas-uostas. Ką gali papasakoti nuotrauka? Klaipėda: sea-city-port….

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Is this the right way?

Proposer: Josipa Zanki  – Role or Function: geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Is this the right way? Description: The activity…

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Svijet oko nas

Proposer: Manuela Margetić Longin, Željko Pijaca  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Svijet oko nas Description: Radionica…

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Esplorare la bellezza nascosta: geografia, suoni e cultura nei quartieri del VI Municipio

Proposer: Giuseppe Bettoni  – Role or Function: Docente universitario venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Esplorare la bellezza nascosta: geografia, suoni e…

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Glance to a sustainable future

Proposer: Marija Paltanavičienė  – Role or Function: Teacher April 12th, 2024 Glance to a sustainable future Description: Members of the…

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Around the world in 60 minutes

GeoNight from Sydney, NSW Australia on Friday 12 April 2024 Around the world in 60 minutes Description: ‘Around the world…

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The route of prof. Alfonsas Basalykas in Vilnius

Proposer: Giedrė Godienė  – Role or Function: Associated professor of university April 12th, 2024 The route of prof. Alfonsas Basalykas…

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Tourism in Azerbaijan

Proposer: Yashar Seidaliev – Role or Function: Group Leader iGeo Azerbaijan April 12, 2024 Tourism in Azerbaijan Description: About tourism…

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Propose an event (form in Hungarian language)


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GeoNight in progress – 2

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Sustainble development through game

Proposer: Marijana Bandić Buljan  – Role or Function: Teacher April 12th, 2024 Sustainble development through game Description: We will show…

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GeoNight in the Museum(s) in Tata

Proposer: Kürthy Dóra  – Role or Function: deputy director, geologist April 12th, 2024 GeoNight in the Museum(s) in Tata Description:…

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Istražimo posljedice klimatskih promjena

Proposer: Damira Čupić  – Role or Function: teacher April 12th, 2024 Istražimo posljedice klimatskih promjena Description: Povodom međunarodnog obilježavanja GeoNighta,…

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Alla scoperta della terza dimensione

Proposer: Maria Laura Pappalardo  – Role or Function: Docente universitario venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Alla scoperta della terza dimensione Discovery…

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Fossils and landforms on Earth

Proposer: Ljiljana Štanfelj  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Fossils and landforms on Earth Description: In smaller…

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Presente y futuro de la violencia en Colombia. ¿Qué tiene para decir la geografía?

Coordinador: Jhon Montoya  – Rol: Profesor universitario April 12th, 2024 Presente y futuro de la violencia en Colombia. ¿Qué tiene…

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Propose an event for the 2023 GeoNight Edition

Scroll this page for the webform to propose an event. Click here to download the Guidelines for the 2023 GeoNight…

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Geography in the Museum

Proposer: Fekete-Mácsai Anetta  – Role or Function: director of Hungarian Geography Museum April 5th, 2024 Geography in the Museum Description:…

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Osservare, ascoltare, disegnare: Cartografie come visioni urbane. Incontro con Laura Canali, cartografa e map artist

Proposer: Tania Rossetto e Laura Lo Presti  – Role or Function: docenti universitari, Università di Padova venerdì 5 aprile 2024…

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Szerémség, mint az első elsüllyedt magyarAtlantisz címmel tarthatnánk egy közös.

Proposer: Bányászné Dr. Kristóf Andrea, Dr. habil Kókai Sándor  – Role or Function: assistant professor / professor April 5th, 2024…

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Commonshood all’orto della SME: geografie digitali, cura e creazione di valore

Proposer: Samantha Cenere  – Role or Function: RtdA presso Dipartimento ESOMAS, Università di Torino venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Commonshood all’orto…

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“It’s good to travel”/”Utazni jó!”

Proposer: Melinda Vartik  – Role or Function: President of the board of trustee April 12th, 2024 “It’s good to travel”…

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S Pavlekima u planine

Proposer: Maja Klanac & Anita Kristina  – Role or Function: Geography teacher & Class teacher April 12th, 2024 S Pavlekima…

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Planeti zunaj Osončja in njihov indeks podobnosti Zemlji

Proposer: Igor Žiberna  – Role or Function: red. prof. dr., visokošolski učitelj April 5th, 2024 Planeti zunaj Osončja in njihov…

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Propose an event (form in English language)


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Not(t)e di matematica, geografia e musica

Proposer: Alexandre Rodichevski  – Role or Function: Compositore musicale venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Not(t)e di matematica, geografia e musica Musical…

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Le retour du train de nuit

Proposer: Iwan Le Clec’h  – Role or Function: Coordinateur April 12th, 2024 Le retour du train de nuit Description: Retour…

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Night of Geography 2024 in the Móra

Proposer: Fórián Szilveszter  – Role or Function: geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Night of Geography 2024 in the Móra Description:…

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Public Gaming Night – Serious Gaming as a Field of Geograpic Research

Proposer: Rouven Kaiser  – Role or Function: Researcher and PhD studet April 5th, 2024 Public Gaming Night – Serious Gaming…

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venerdì 5 aprile 2024 Luogologia Scarica la locandina QUI Description: I partecipanti, organizzati in squadre, dovranno indovinare diversi luoghi, avendo…

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Culture fair

Proposer: Loreta Latviene  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 Culture fair Description: During Geonights 24, two events…

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¿Nos ayudas a planificar y ordenar las energías renovables?


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Visit to the Koch Mineralogical Collection / Ásványtani gyűjtemény látogatás

Proposer: ÁSVÁNYTANI, GEOKÉMIAI ÉS KŐZETTANI TANSZÉK  – Role or Function: contact person April 12th, 2024 17.00, 17.40, 18.20 Koch gyűjtemény…

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CARTE inesplorate nel sottotetto

Proposer: Erica Neri  – Role or Function: Assegnista di ricerca presso Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca venerdì 12 aprile 2024…

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Noć geografske nauke

Proposer: Mahir Mališević  – Role or Function: Geography Teacher April 12th, 2024 Noć geografske nauke Description: Noć Geografske Nauke Dobrodošli…

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90th Anniversary of Lithuanian geographical society

Proposer: Giedrė Godienė  – Role or Function: University professor April 5th, 2024 90th Anniversary of Lithuanian geographical society Description: The…

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Mapathon in Heidelberg

  April 12th, 2024 GeoNight-Mapathon in Heidelberg Description: Join us for a fun and interactive Mapathon event! Whether you’re a…

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Kultúrtájak világörökségi szemmel

Proposer: Babka Beáta  – Role or Function: környezetkutató, egyetemi adjunktus April 5th, 2024 Kultúrtájak világörökségi szemmel Description: Az UNESCO Világörökség…

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Geografía y fronteras (Geography and borders)

April 12th, 2024 11.oo am (PDT) [UTC -07.00] Geografía y fronteras / Geography and borders Descripción / Description Una mesa…

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PROCESOS URBANOS Y CAMBIOS GASTRONÓMICOS EN EL BARRIO DE LAVAPIÉS (MADRID). Urban Processes and Gastronomic changes in Madrid´s central area. The case of Lavapiés.

Proposer: Prof. Manuel Valenzuela Rubio Y Carmen Hidalgo Giralt  – Role or Function: Vicepresidente RSG y Profesora Universidad Autónoma de…

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Proposer: Aurelija Kuckaitė  – Role or Function: Geography teacher April 12th, 2024 GEONIGHT IN VILNIUS JERUSALEM PROGYMNASIUM Description: Registration, lotteries,fair,KAHOOT,…

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¡Desafío Geográficooo!

Este año celebramos en Sevilla la Noche de la Geografía (GeoNight 2024) con este desafío en el que tendrás que…